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  1. #1
    drg is offline
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    Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    A bunch of Crazy Aussies, is there any other kind, ran across the United States beginning in Los Angeles on August 12 and ended in New York City in time for the 9/11 Memorial activities.

    Local Fire and Police departments across the nation escorted the runners and their vehicles. Part of their route took them along US Rt. 66 where I live and shoot. August 31 around 8:30pm I took several photos of the procession and the runner(s). The collage below is a small sampling of what observers witnessed in the dark of night. The background is the Tour of Duty Logo from the side of the RV used by the runners and drivers to rest while traveling. Feel free to share your Tour of Duty or other 9/11 related special memorial images.

    Tour of Duty Run Website
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial-tod3web.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    Drg - Wow!

    Thank you for posting this and for the link. I enjoyed very much viewing the website.

    In October of 2001 my secretary's fiance (a NYC policeman) took me to the actually site. I brought my Canon dslr, but left it in the back seat of the cruiser because it was so overwhelming that I lost any desire to take pictures. It was only a few weeks after Sept 11.

    This past Labor Day weekend I had a friend visit from Ohio and she asked me if we could go to Ground Zero. I went not expecting much because the news media for the most part has emphasized what has not been done. I was actually shocked to see what has been done! And, so moved how many wonderful workers, volunteers - and patriotic Americans were there on Sunday of Labor Day weekend. The whole time I was almost overwhelmed with all the respect and honor that was so evident from everyone that day as we went from place to place.

    There is also a website that you can go to that shows the progress. I will look it up and post it with some of my photos as soon as I get them organized this morning..

    Thank you again - I especially appreciate the fact that you brought this to our attention - and for the opportunity to post some of my photos. I had planned to post a 911 thread when I returned, but did not have the opportunity.


  3. #3
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    This is a shot of the poster hanging up at Ground Zero - the model of what Ground Zero will look like when completed.

    Another shot of a poster hanging in the "bridge" overlooking Ground Zero. This shows actual progress - although they are further ahead now than when this was taken.

    For those who do not know, the 2 squares in the image are the actual site and size of the two towers. They will become 2 powerful waterfalls - with a smaller waterfall in the center of each one - to symbolize those who were fallen that day at GZ.

    One of my photos of some of the progress - this only covers a small part of the actual site.

    Another perspective - pedestrian bridge - allowing visitors to cross the street and at the same time get a better view - the view continues inside the building where the bridge is connected over GZ.

    Closer up

    I'll post a few photos of actual memorials later.


  4. #4
    Senior Member Medley's Avatar
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    Liz, thanks for posting these. The scar tissue from that day extends all the way to Oregon. I especially like the last shot, with the flag in the foreground.
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  5. #5
    drg is offline
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    Thanks Liz for the great updates about Ground Zero. I'm waiting to see what the 10 year observances will bring in photos ops!
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  6. #6
    drg is offline
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    Anybody else have something from 9/11/2010 to share??
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  7. #7
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    I have a few more from our visit to Ground Zero that I'd like to contribute - thanks for the opportunity.

    The first few floors were already opened in one of the new buildings (can't recall which building....sorry). This is a cafe on the first floor overlooking the Hudson.....tables are set up indoors & outside.

    Closer to the window view

    Beautiful marble stairs (same building) leading to 2nd floor. Notice the view out the 2nd floor window - construction site.

    Bridge built over construction for pedestrians crossing from one building to another.

  8. #8
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    A little background:

    These photos were taken at a store opened by a gentleman for the sole purpose of helping raise money to rebuild Ground Zero. Some of these photos were taken inside, some taken outside the store. It is not just a store, but inside there are many beautiful memorials to persons who died there - along with some very personal stories written by loved ones. They only sell items that in some way honor the men and women who lost their lives at Ground Zero including the workers and volunteers. It is a deeply moving experience to walk through that store. There were many people in the store while we were there, but there is hardly a sound. Most people are silent; those who speak do so quietly and reverently. In one corner of the store there is a photo album about 12" x 18" that contains over 6,000 photos. This book was put together containing professional and personal photos - many taken from the ones posted in SoHo and other areas. There is only one photo per page. Needless to say it was quite moving and at times overwhelming to see these pictures. I only got through about 30 pages.

    Taken outside - near the store

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  9. #9
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    Absolutely a super set of pics Liz. thanks so much for sharing them with us. Wonderful to be able to see these sites through you lens.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

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  10. #10
    Senior Member JamesV's Avatar
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    drg - thanks for sharing the pictures and site. A very cool.

    Liz - thanks for the pictures. My gf and I were out there a few years back but didn't get out to the site. We both promised that the next trip we will make time to go and see it.


  11. #11
    Firefighter Tyson L. Sparks's Avatar
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    Re: Tour of Duty - September 11 Memorial

    Very nice post, thank you.

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