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  1. #1
    Senior Member Charles Hess's Avatar
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    Take your camera everywhere?

    This may have been a topic of discussion here before, but I'm curious as to how many of you go anywhere without a camera. Many of you probably have a p&s of some sort to go with your main camera, whether it be digital or film.

    I find myself carrying a camera to work every day and even walking to the store, there's the camera over my shoulder. Shooting rangefinders, which are small, it's easy to put the camera and a lens in a very small camera bag. Though I don't think any of my better shots have come walking to/from work, I did happen to be the first on the scene of a building fire a few years ago, took a roll of images with a Stylus Epic, sold the roll to the local paper who put 2 of the shots in the next day's paper.

    Here are my 2 trusty cameras, each built like a brick yet able to fit in the tiniest of bags. :-)

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Take your camera everywhere?-f00004-copy.jpg  

  2. #2
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    I have to make an effort to go somewhere without it. My whole kit is with me pretty much 75% of the time,

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    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

  3. #3
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    You got it

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Hess
    This may have been a topic of discussion here before, but I'm curious as to how many of you go anywhere without a camera. Many of you probably have a p&s of some sort to go with your main camera, whether it be digital or film.

    I find myself carrying a camera to work every day and even walking to the store, there's the camera over my shoulder. Shooting rangefinders, which are small, it's easy to put the camera and a lens in a very small camera bag. Though I don't think any of my better shots have come walking to/from work, I did happen to be the first on the scene of a building fire a few years ago, took a roll of images with a Stylus Epic, sold the roll to the local paper who put 2 of the shots in the next day's paper.

    Here are my 2 trusty cameras, each built like a brick yet able to fit in the tiniest of bags. :-)

    Stylus Epic or Yashica T5 for work, Leica M4P or Konica Hexar RF or Nikon F75 for weekends - sometimes it takes months to finish a film, but they're with me almost all of the time.


  4. #4
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking Probably 98% Of The Time

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Hess
    This may have been a topic of discussion here before, but I'm curious as to how many of you go anywhere without a camera. Many of you probably have a p&s of some sort to go with your main camera, whether it be digital or film.

    I find myself carrying a camera to work every day and even walking to the store, there's the camera over my shoulder. Shooting rangefinders, which are small, it's easy to put the camera and a lens in a very small camera bag. Though I don't think any of my better shots have come walking to/from work, I did happen to be the first on the scene of a building fire a few years ago, took a roll of images with a Stylus Epic, sold the roll to the local paper who put 2 of the shots in the next day's paper.

    Here are my 2 trusty cameras, each built like a brick yet able to fit in the tiniest of bags. :-)

    I have a camera (or cameras) with me. I usually take my camera backpack with me nearly everywhere I go. Whether I'm going to the mountains or the outer banks, I usually have a camera or two with me.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    I have one of my cameras with me most of the time. Usually either the Leica M2 or the IIIc.

  6. #6
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Pretty much...

    all the time. I keep my SLR's tucked away for special occasions, but my little p&s digi accompanies me almost everywhere I go. The more I carry it, the more my decision to carry it is reinforced

    nice topic.

    Walter Rick Long
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  7. #7
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    "The more I carry it,...."

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    all the time. I keep my SLR's tucked away for special occasions, but my little p&s digi accompanies me almost everywhere I go. The more I carry it, the more my decision to carry it is reinforced

    nice topic.

    "the more my decision to carry it is reinforced "


    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Senior Member Charles Hess's Avatar
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    I figured that most of you here were permanently attached to their gear. :-) My co-workers all find it a bit strange that I have a bag with me every day, but that's OK.

  9. #9
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    To bring it or not bring it is a struggle for me. I travel around the county in my job, but an SLR doesn't really fit well in my computer bag, and it's cumbersome to carry an seperate camera bag - I'm always afraid I'm going to leave it somewhere.

    As a result, I take my gear only about half the time (and when I know I'll have some photo opportunities.) I've tried a variety of smaller cameras (a tiny APS point and shoot, an Olympus Epic, a tiny Sony digital, and a Nikon EM) but I've never been pleased with the results.

  10. #10
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    I try to take something with me as much as possible, but almost never to work. I love to take my SLR with me but when I do, I always take way more than I need and sometime it becomes cumbersom. I love the idea of having my gear with me when I'm out and about just because you never know when something is going pop up that you want to shoot. But other times it's nice to go to the park or the lake with the dog and not have to worry about keeping your gear safe, and dry, and just enjoy the solitude.


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    "I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
    Aldo Leopold

  11. #11
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Hess
    This may have been a topic of discussion here before, but I'm curious as to how many of you go anywhere without a camera. Many of you probably have a p&s of some sort to go with your main camera, whether it be digital or film.

    I find myself carrying a camera to work every day and even walking to the store, there's the camera over my shoulder. Shooting rangefinders, which are small, it's easy to put the camera and a lens in a very small camera bag. Though I don't think any of my better shots have come walking to/from work, I did happen to be the first on the scene of a building fire a few years ago, took a roll of images with a Stylus Epic, sold the roll to the local paper who put 2 of the shots in the next day's paper.

    Here are my 2 trusty cameras, each built like a brick yet able to fit in the tiniest of bags. :-)

    I can't say 100% because today I went to the bank and left my 7i at home. And wouldn't you just know it, I saw a great photo on the way there. I am going back tomorrow to see if it still looks as good.

    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
    ~Ernest Hemingway~

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Yep. Since I work two jobs, one at a motel a few hours in the morning to early afternoon, and the other at the print shop the rest of the day, I have to take my bag & tripod with me every day in case a customer wants to use our photography service. I would love to leave it all at the shop but I don't want to be without it in my spare time. I'm a bit of a Boy Scout so I am always prepared! ;)
    Been considering keeping the old 650 and the equally old 28-70 at the shop, just so we'll have a decent camera (instead of the ancient and snail-slow Powershot we use for passport pics) around.
    I used to take my camera everywhere when I was doing more press-type work, 'cause you just never know when some breaking news will happen. But I moved away from that kind of photography and taking a heavy bag and tripod became more like a ball and chain. So I just took it out when I planned on shooting. But now I have to drag all my stuff around with me again... I actually don't mind, but I do worry about wear & tear...
    "We've all been raised by television to believe that one day we'll all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars -- but we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off."

    -Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk

  13. #13
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    OK, I'm one of the few who does NOT take it everywhere. Usually it's because I don't want to leave it in the car when I go to the store, doctor, etc. or else it's because I've got so many other things I'm carrying that the camera bag would break my back. Now that I'm back in school I've got a pile of books + computer in a backpack on my back, plus my purse. Just don't have room for one more bag.

    Oh, and if I did have the camera with me, I'd never make it to my destination. Never. I'd be found wandering along the side of the road shooting flowers or something.

    But HOW MANY TIMES have I wished I had it with me!!!!! at LEAST once a day, usually more!
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  14. #14
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Lava Lamp

    Quote Originally Posted by Lava Lamp
    To bring it or not bring it is a struggle for me. I travel around the county in my job, but an SLR doesn't really fit well in my computer bag, and it's cumbersome to carry an seperate camera bag - I'm always afraid I'm going to leave it somewhere.

    As a result, I take my gear only about half the time (and when I know I'll have some photo opportunities.) I've tried a variety of smaller cameras (a tiny APS point and shoot, an Olympus Epic, a tiny Sony digital, and a Nikon EM) but I've never been pleased with the results.

    Have you tried a Coolpix? I used a Coolpix 3500 for a while. It was limited to a 3X zoom, but it was a capable and compact camera. The Coolpix 5700 is about three times as big as the 3500, but it's still a lot smaller than my N80. It's small enough that I've put it into a fanny pack to carry.

    I know firsthand how limited a P&S camera is, but maybe a digital with a decent amount of zoom and control (like the 5700) would fill the bill. Something to think about. We know firsthand how creative you are (lampshade for a tripod - pure genius!), and I know how much I hate being without my camera. I'm sure there is a camera out there that would be the perfect travelling campanion for you.

    PS - I am NOT a Nikon salesman. I just hate the thought of you missing (and sharing) some great shots with us!
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Hess
    This may have been a topic of discussion here before, but I'm curious as to how many of you go anywhere without a camera. Many of you probably have a p&s of some sort to go with your main camera, whether it be digital or film.

    I find myself carrying a camera to work every day and even walking to the store, there's the camera over my shoulder. Shooting rangefinders, which are small, it's easy to put the camera and a lens in a very small camera bag. Though I don't think any of my better shots have come walking to/from work, I did happen to be the first on the scene of a building fire a few years ago, took a roll of images with a Stylus Epic, sold the roll to the local paper who put 2 of the shots in the next day's paper.

    Here are my 2 trusty cameras, each built like a brick yet able to fit in the tiniest of bags. :-)

    Yup. I carry a Canon S400 w/256mb CF card everyday in my canvas briefcase. Even with the case, extra card and spare battery it's still small enough to fit in the corner of the bag so I really don't have a reason not to bring it.

  16. #16
    Member Iguanamom's Avatar
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    I should but somehow don't. I have 3 SLRs but nothing smaller (and the stupid cell phone doesn't count!). I have always wanted a tiny little Oly XA but somehow just haven't picked one up. All you who do carry concealed (ha!) are an inspiration.

  17. #17
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kellybean
    OK, I'm one of the few who does NOT take it everywhere. Usually it's because I don't want to leave it in the car when I go to the store, doctor, etc. or else it's because I've got so many other things I'm carrying that the camera bag would break my back. Now that I'm back in school I've got a pile of books + computer in a backpack on my back, plus my purse. Just don't have room for one more bag.

    Oh, and if I did have the camera with me, I'd never make it to my destination. Never. I'd be found wandering along the side of the road shooting flowers or something.

    But HOW MANY TIMES have I wished I had it with me!!!!! at LEAST once a day, usually more!
    I'm with Kelly. Almost never. Although sometimes I wish I did, like the time I was returning movies and drove past a tennis court in the middle of winter and there were two snowmen holding tennis rackets, one on each side of the court. To this day it still makes me laugh.

    However, if I took it everywhere, I would find myself taking photos the whole time, instead of enjoying whatever it is we are doing, and actually participating.

    I sleep, but I don't rest.

  18. #18
    back from sabbatical... b_slow's Avatar
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    I don't really carry my camera around much either. Must be a Wisconsin thing.

    But recently I started doing some roadbike photo-trekking on some country back roads in the area. Kind of a pain to strap a tripod and stuff to my bike (which by itself is lightweight), but I think there's some potential for some good images. Once I get around to downloading the images, maybe I'll post a few.

  19. #19
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
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    if I had dime

    for every time I didn't have my camera with me! I long for the days when a camera and equipment are all i need...and when my hands will only hold those things--- and not sticky stinky kid fingers
    "I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
    I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
    I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
    I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live."
    Bettie Page

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  20. #20
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    I have twice now gone out of the house to the doctor's office, making a quick but conscious decision not to bring my camera. After all, Doctor's Office does not equal Camera, does it?

    But each time I've kicked myself because I keep forgetting that Doctor's Office is on Lakefront, and Lakefront most DEFINITELY equals Camera. Both days were crystal clear, blue sparkling warm, peaceful days where the lake water was as green as the Caribbean Sea and there were sailboats drifting along under flying seagulls, and I was on a bluff overlooking it all.
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  21. #21
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    I've had my left eye cavity surgically enlarged and have had a digital camera inserted in there. It works off of an electronic nerve impulse hair trigger implanted in the left rear lobe of my brain. The images are captured by a removable 2G Compact Flash card in a location on my body that I would prefer not to mention.

    Furthermore,...uhhh....ummmm.....what was the question?

  22. #22
    Liz is offline
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    Cool Good question.....Great thread!

    Since I got the Rebel, because I don't want to "lose" it or have it stolen, and because of the weight, I don't take it everywhere...........however.....

    I purchased a G3 a while back to keep with me all the time. The interesting thing is that it's not as much fun anymore since I've been using a DSLR.

    Last Saturday my friend Judy suggested we go to the Jersey shore. I had gone to her house for the first time since I got the Rebel - without it! And I didn't have the G3 either. Yikes! So I went to the shore without my camera! And I missed some great photo ops. However, I may not have used the Rebel since it was quite windy - and I don't want to get salt or sand in the camera/lens. Overly protective!

    Thanks for posting this thread. Great idea.


  23. #23
    Excuse me while I burn in the sky Clicker's Avatar
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    I Want That!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna
    I've had my left eye cavity surgically enlarged and have had a digital camera inserted in there. It works off of an electronic nerve impulse hair trigger implanted in the left rear lobe of my brain. The images are captured by a removable 2G Compact Flash card in a location on my body that I would prefer not to mention.

    Furthermore,...uhhh....ummmm.....what was the question?
    Tuna, what doctor did you use to surgically implant this, as I would love to have that done!

    Answer to Question - I carry on and off for a few days at a time... Since I carry a case with 3 different cameras in it and various lenses, plus a bag with film and accessories, its quite heavy. I live in the city and have had vehicles broken into about 3 times, the most recent was April... So i try to only take it on days that I feel may be good opportunities to shoot or days that will put me in an area of interest..... I usually see the same stuff everyday to and from work, so I know when My path will be altered ahead of time, and those are the days I carry. ( She's Packing)


    What happens when you hit a Thousand? Should I watch for Balloons?

  24. #24
    Co-Moderator, Photography as Art forum megan's Avatar
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    Nothing comes between me and my Stylus.

    You know it baby - that little Olympus goes EVERYWHERE with me.
    I've always got a camera with me.

    And those of you that have been here awhile know that! Heck in NYC, there's always something going on. Once in awhile it makes the news, for better or for worse. Argh, and I'm seemingly always right in the middle of that. Freaky.


  25. #25
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna
    I've had my left eye cavity surgically enlarged and have had a digital camera inserted in there. It works off of an electronic nerve impulse hair trigger implanted in the left rear lobe of my brain. The images are captured by a removable 2G Compact Flash card in a location on my body that I would prefer not to mention.

    Furthermore,...uhhh....ummmm.....what was the question?
    wow they do that type of surgery lready? send me the info...i told my husband THAT's what I needed (years ago)
    "I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
    I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
    I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
    I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live."
    Bettie Page

    My Temp site...

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