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  1. #1
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    London England

    Stopped by the Police ...

    Hi all

    Yesterday while I was taking photographs in London (see thread in Critique called 'My Summer Project') I got stopped by the police!

    It was all very strange. I took some pics in Trafalgar Square (a big city square where tens of thousands of pics must be taken every single day) and then walked down towards the River Thames. About half a mile away from the alleged offence, I was stopped by two police officers (which meant they must have followed me) who flashed their warrant cards and told me I was being stopped under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. They were very correct and polite at all times, so no complaints there (we even shook hands after it was all over). As they were really rather pleasant about it, I offered to show them the material on my memory card, which they looked at and declared there was nothing illegal there, and they let me go after showing them some ID and waiting for them to fill in a form recording the 'stop and search'.

    However, even that is somewhat annoying as my name is now recorded somewhere as having been stopped and searched as a potential terrorist. Not only that, but they radioed my name and DOB through so their computer presumably has recorded a police enquiry against my name.

    They did say that they often stopped photographers on hot days in Trafalgar Square in case they were taking inappropriate pictures of kids - fair enough I suppose, though what that has to do with terrorism I don't know! In any case, I don't recall any little kids in the Square at all.

    What a world we live in these days!

    Mike the Photographer who is not a Terrorist
    Mike Dales ARPS
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    I hear ya, Mike. While on vacation in Washington, DC in May, I was taking pictures at Arlington Nat'l Cemetery, and was approached by a security guard at the gates of Ft. Myer. He wanted to know if I'd taken any pictures of the front gate. I told him no, and showed him what I had. It was a rather pleasant exhchange. Since 9/11, especially in D.C., things have changed as far as photographers' freedom of movement, I guess. I don't have a problem with it, as long as people are nice about it. This has been my only experience so far, but I'm always aware that for any reason, I could be stopped.

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  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Don't know what to say! Makes me glad I'm a country boy though some rednecks can get belligerant.
    Don't know why the gate to Arlington can't be photographed, John.
    Keep Shooting!


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  4. #4
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    The part that concerns me the most is that you're expected to show them the photos on your memory card. I'm wondering how they would react if I asked them to give me a few hours while I develop my film?


  5. #5
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    London England

    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Just to be clear: they did not ask to see the photos - I offered as I thought it was the quickest way to deal with it and be on my (legal) way. All they did was take me up on my offer. I should also say that this is the first time this has happened in hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours of shooting in central London. I wouldn't want to blow it out of proportion.

    Mike Dales ARPS
    My website:

  6. #6
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    It has happen to me as well. Once stopped thinking I was a burglar casing to place for a break in, and followed by security around a power plant on another outing. I thought about fixing up a small porfolio to carry with me to show the police just in case I was to get stopped in the future.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    I seriously have given up shooting certain events now because of all the issues with kids and photos, in fact even when parents ask I won't shoot their kids unless I know the family really well.
    And there are certain places and buildings I won't shoot either just because of all the nervous trigger happy cops.

    This thread reminds me of one in another forum where a ham radio operator was at a park with his son and a woman went spastic because he was talking into a radio and she threatened to call the law and told him he wasn't allowed to own or operate a two way radio because he wasn't a police officer I guess she never heard of amature radio or CB radios and she at one point accused him of being a pervert. I wonder what she'd have said to me if I'd have been there with my 2 meter ham radio my scanner blaring police fire and ambulance calls and my camera! I know she wouldn't have liked my response!

    As for the officers radioing your information in be glad we don't have to wear tracking devices or have have tatoos they scan on our about big brother!

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  8. #8
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    I have yet to have a run in with anyone when it comes to photography, but I won't be surprised when I do. This weekend, I took some pics of some kids playing in some fountains in Chicago. I did think twice about taking any pics of the kids because I didn't want to upset any parents, but I did go ahead with my photos anyway. Nobody seemed to mind.

    I wonder, do women photographers have these same types of thoughts about not shooting kids, or run ins with parents? Is it a "perverted men" thing? I don't have any kids yet, but I don't think I would give it a second thought if I saw a woman at the park taking photos of kids. I may wonder about an man doing the same thing though.

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    "I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
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  9. #9
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Further news just breaking! - I emailed the members of my camera club this morning with the details of what happened (basically what I posted at the beginning of this thread but with more geographic info as they know the area). Turns out that two other members have had similar experiences, one a very distressing one where a parent accused him of being a paedophile. Fortunately he also was able to show the police that the images he had taken were all entirely innocent and he was allowed to go on his way. However, he was deeply upset by the incident.

    Anyway, my club has decided to issue a membership card with photo because of these incidents. It won't stop the police stopping anyone, but it might give a little legitimacy to the claim that the photographer is simply a keep amateur. Most interesting is the thought that the reverse of the card may have a brief summary of photographer's rights.

    Mike Dales ARPS
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  10. #10
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Didache
    About half a mile away from the alleged offence, I was stopped by two police officers (which meant they must have followed me) who flashed their warrant cards and told me I was being stopped under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.
    Yes, that's a good catch all to give grounds to stop and search.
    Doesn't even need you to do anything, unlike the Public Order Act.
    Though it seems just saying b******s is grounds to detain you under that act.

    they often stopped photographers on hot days in Trafalgar Square in case they were taking inappropriate pictures of kids
    No surprise there.
    They can use the PoTA as grounds to stop and then use evidence recovered to mount other prosecutions.
    Remember the terrorist suspects whose homes were raided, and then when they discovered some indecent images they were prosecuted for that?

    Cynic in me says they had to find something to justify going in there in the first place.
    Wouldn't look good politically at all if they raided a house and detained someone for 24 (now 48) days without them being guilty of something.

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  11. #11
    Design Slacker mattbikeboy's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Addies Granddaddy
    I hear ya, Mike. While on vacation in Washington, DC in May, I was taking pictures at Arlington Nat'l Cemetery, and was approached by a security guard at the gates of Ft. Myer. He wanted to know if I'd taken any pictures of the front gate.

    I probably would have told him -- Cool, I'll get some on the way out!

    Is it just me or are people more paranoid and irrational. I got one of those forwarded e-mails from a distant aunt this morning that set me off a bit. It was a letter supposedly by a woman and it talked about how Islam attacked us on Sept. 11th and how she doesn't care if we torture prisoners a little, mistreat the Qur'an among other things. I was a little annoyed by it and let her know.

    I guess anything goes in the post September 11th world. Fear and Loathing -- It's all good!


  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Many police harass photographers all over the world with their Terrorist BS. If I was a terrorist I sure would not go out to the location I wanted to destroy and photograph it. I would go to google maps. Here in the midwest many of the streets have been done and you can get street view photography. So all of you terrorists just take the time to google the location and save your shutter releases for something else.

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  13. #13
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Did you see this?
    UK Home Secretary green-lights harassment of photographers

    An interesting positive viewpoint ...

    Firstly, we have confirmation in writing from the Home Secretary (i.e. the politician responsible for what in the US would be termed 'homeland security') that there is no law against photography in public places. That alone is helpful when faced with a jobsworth trying to tell you it's illegal to take pictures without some sort of permission.

    Secondly, although the Home Secretary states that police may implement local restrictions, she goes on to say that this is the decision of the regional force Chief Constable. Not part-time PCSO Smith. Or PC Plod. Or even the Inspector (US terms: Lt) running a local policing operation. Yes, the letter says that these people can make decisions on allowing photography - but it goes on to say that they have to be able to point to a policy set by their Chief Constable, not make it up as they go along.

    And that helps, because at the level of decision-making a CC is meant to operate at, policy decisions should be based on a proper assessment of all the factors, including the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998. So, if the policy is overly restrictive (e.g 'no photography without a permit applied for a month ahead') or too vague ('entirely at the discretion of the local officer') then it would be open to challenge through the courts.

    Now, this is not an ideal situation. I would like a strong, positive presumption that photography is permitted unless there are very clear and overwhelming local circumstances against it. But for now the Home Secretary's letter actually provides some useful ammunition for anyone threatened with legal consequences for public photography.

    And something that is more like what I expect to happen...

    Put simply, the comments made by the Home Secretary have placed what was a clearly understood situation "yes, you can take photos" into a 'well, it MIGHT be OK but you will not necessarily know until we decide to bust you' nightmare. I am sure that memo's will be coming down from Chief Constables with 'guidelines' for questioning photographers. this will not be 'law' but advice from a CC. The general public will discover these guidelines when they get arrested for 'failing to obey an officer' who will be enforcing the opinion/interpretation of the Home Secretary.

    Every tin-pot personal dictator (not police but Joe Public) will be going "What do you think you are doing? Don't you know the Home Secretary says you cannot do that" and essentially being 'nosey-parkers.

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  14. #14
    Drive by shooter susaan's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    I carry I.D with my passport number.on,just in case...- have been challenged three times,in a year of shooting,in Indonesia and Turkey.Every time smiles,showing my I.D,photos and giving my website address got me out of trouble with over-zealous security.
    -Wonder how it would go for me,taking photos in any of the places mentioned...?
    (see icon
    -that is why I live in Indonesia !

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  15. #15
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Quote Originally Posted by photophorous
    The part that concerns me the most is that you're expected to show them the photos on your memory card. I'm wondering how they would react if I asked them to give me a few hours while I develop my film?
    Interesting point - I think "everyone" just expects that photography is digital, so images can be reviewed immediately. I remember reading an article with Joe McNally who photographed a military fighter jet and reviewed his shots with security before he left, to be sure he didn't have shots of classified stuff. Several years ago, this would have likely been on slide film - and then what?

    The whole shooting-in-public thing just keeps getting more wierd by the day. I haven't ever been stopped, but I'm not likely to shoot anyway when kids are around. People shots aren't really my thing, so I just avoid it.

  16. #16
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    New York City has set some formal rules regarding filming and photography on city streets.

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  17. #17
    The red headed step child jgredline's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Didache
    Just to be clear: they did not ask to see the photos - I offered as I thought it was the quickest way to deal with it and be on my (legal) way. All they did was take me up on my offer. I should also say that this is the first time this has happened in hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours of shooting in central London. I wouldn't want to blow it out of proportion.

    same here. I have been stopped twice already and both times, I found it easy to simply show them my pics...It is like my computer, I have nothing to hide, so why make a mountain of of a mole hill...

    However, like photophorous (paul) mentioned, what if I where shooting film? which is what I have been shooting mostly these days..
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  18. #18
    The red headed step child jgredline's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Mike and others..I have been following this thread
    and it is quite interesting...It seems to fit in this thread, and don't want to derail it, so if a mod feels like moving it, it might make for an interesting topic.
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  19. #19
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    It's not everyone with a camera though. . .there are cameras everywhere these days; in phones, on light poles and traffic lights, over doorways, in grocery stores, parking garages, the highway. And people with point and shoot cameras are rarely stopped, you're not going to get anything 'like a security breach' with something like that! But pull out a camera with a detachable lens and you're going to have to come over here and answer these questions or just put that away.

    I was stopped in a revolving restaurant//bar that overlooks Washington, D.C. I entered carrying my large backpack and tripod, paid the cover and set up at a table in front of the windows. I spent probably a half hour doing long exposures of the skyline as the room rotated. (I was going for long streaky light shots.) As the room swung around to the other side of the building it looks out over the Pentagon. I was pretty much finished at that point as the lights of interest were out of sight but still had the camera set up. I was enjoying a drink with my husband when the manager hustles up and says I am not allowed to take pictures from this restaurant and could I please put away the camera or leave. I pointed out that the main attraction of this place was coming for the view and that everyone else in the bar was taking photos out the windows.

    Yes, the manager nodded. But not with a camera like THAT, with a tripod! It's National Security m'am.
    'Come again?'
    You can see the Pentagon from here.
    Well, it's National Security.
    What is?
    The Pentagon.
    But I'm not taking pictures of the Pentagon.
    That doesn't matter. I've been asked by the GOVERNMENT to not allow photography from our roof top bar with cameras like YOURS.
    But it's night and there's no lights on the pentagon.
    That doesn't matter.

    Needless to say we left and the conversation seemed like something straight out of an Abbott and Costello routine. But it appears the crime I committed was that my photos might have actually turned out.

    Here's the security risk photo:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Stopped by the Police ...-risky.jpg  
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
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  20. #20
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    I must not get out enough to shoot, or I just look so dang cute & innocent since I haven't been stopped or questioned before. And I live in the Bay Area as well
    Nikon Samurai #21


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  21. #21
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    It seems this thread has struck a chord!

    Anyway, I will be back in London again tomorrow to take some photographs - hopefully I will have nothing to report!

    Mike Dales ARPS
    My website:

  22. #22
    bluesguy bluesguy's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Wow!! This has been a very interesting thread. It appears that everyone or all most everyone has been stopped and questioned pertaining to the pictures taken. I am a summing that everyone is Caucasian. Let me enlighten you all and add a little twist to this sage, I am black, American, and live in the good ole US of A. In my 'hood we have this quaint little deal called DWB(driving while black)
    the police will stop you for no good reason. Driving in the wrong neighborhood, driving the wrong type of automobile, dressing a certain way, etc. This amounts to illegal searches and seizures but this occurs all the time both pre911 and post911. This is especially dangerous during the hours of darkness. When stopped, you make no sudden moves, put your hands in top of the steering wheel in plain sight. In other words, do nothing to give the cops a reason to shoot you and have questions asked later when you are dead and can offer no rebuttal to what has been said or done. The cops can always say that they thought you had a gun, or were reaching for one. I could go on, but you get the idea. Least way you were not spreadeagled and handcuffed face down in the roadway or on the sidewalk.. Sometimes it is like asking the fox to guard your chicken coop.


  23. #23
    The red headed step child jgredline's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesguy
    Wow!! This has been a very interesting thread. It appears that everyone or all most everyone has been stopped and questioned pertaining to the pictures taken. I am a summing that everyone is Caucasian. Let me enlighten you all and add a little twist to this sage, I am black, American, and live in the good ole US of A. In my 'hood we have this quaint little deal called DWB(driving while black)
    the police will stop you for no good reason. Driving in the wrong neighborhood, driving the wrong type of automobile, dressing a certain way, etc. This amounts to illegal searches and seizures but this occurs all the time both pre911 and post911. This is especially dangerous during the hours of darkness. When stopped, you make no sudden moves, put your hands in top of the steering wheel in plain sight. In other words, do nothing to give the cops a reason to shoot you and have questions asked later when you are dead and can offer no rebuttal to what has been said or done. The cops can always say that they thought you had a gun, or were reaching for one. I could go on, but you get the idea. Least way you were not spreadeagled and handcuffed face down in the roadway or on the sidewalk.. Sometimes it is like asking the fox to guard your chicken coop.

    A few years back, I was driving through ELA in my brand spanking new 300zx Turbo and being a ''spanican'' I get pulled over and they bring me out of the car and sit me at the curb like I am some punk cholo selling drugs or that I was driving a stolen car...When they found out the car was indeed mine and fully paid for I might add, I went on a rampage...I started telling them, that I make more money than both of them combined and that I would be filling a law suit against them, (which I did, but dropped the charges at the request of my wife) But boy was I upset...Come to think of it, that was back in 1995..Boy how time passes...But anyway, I digress and I know where you are coming from....
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  24. #24
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Unlucky Mike, I guess you must have that guilty look.

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  25. #25
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Stopped by the Police ...

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesguy
    In my 'hood we have this quaint little deal called DWB(driving while black)
    That's arrived here in the UK too.
    And internationally of course there is FWI (flying while Islamic).

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