Last night I shot my first fashion show as a regular press-pass holder. This was a REALLY unusual experience! I've shot a lot of models and even a few fashion collections in the studio and on location, but this is the first time I was packed in with a mob of other photographers and videographers all jockeying for position (about 30 of us packed into a space about 15' wide x 8' deep) This kind of shooting is NOT for the timid and indecisive :lol: I really wanted to get some shots of "the pit" but there was no way I was giving up my 2nd row spot to take shots of the guys trying to steal it. Early on I decided the speed light wasn't giving me anything close to what I wanted, so I made the decision to shoot ambient light with the 50mm 1.4 at ISO 250 nearly wide open
There's a flash slideshow here: (just hit the play button)