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  1. #1
    Design Slacker mattbikeboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Las Vegas, NV

    Something Recent

    It's been a crazy couple of weeks starting with weddings on 9/9/09 and the general fall wedding rush starting here in Las Vegas. I've been shooting between four and eight weddings a day. I've done so many in the past several months I can't even remember how many I've shot. One thing for sure, I'll never fear shooting a wedding again (whether it's a large or small group of guests). I think I need to start a blog for real, something like A Las Vegas Wedding Photographer's Tale.

    We get all types of people from every area on the globe. Yesterday I shot a couple from Poland, a couple from England, a couple from North Carolina and a local couple. I've shot drunk couples (not very common actually) and many couples that don't speak any English. Couple's who can't seem to wait until they get back to the hotel room (if you know what I mean) and couples that don't seem to actually like each other. We even had a dad who refused (rather rudely I might add) to walk his daughter down the isle, made rude sexual comments to one of our just out of High School girls assisting with the coordinator and then insulted everyone else in the chapel from family to staff. Luckily, he left after the ceremony and I didn't have to deal with him in the portrait session.

    I even got some work with Photojohn at Interbike for a couple of days where I was shooting images for the virtual trade booths. :thumbsup:

    Finally, have been able to squeeze a couple of model shoots into my schedule. Don't ask me how though. We had the Mr. Olympia competition in town this weekend and I shot a couple of the local attendies/competitors.

    So here are a couple of images from the later:


  2. #2
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Something Recent

    i like that first one. The second one's lighting is a bit flat and the harsh shadows ruin it for me.

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Something Recent

    Quote Originally Posted by livin4lax09
    i like that first one. The second one's lighting is a bit flat and the harsh shadows ruin it for me.
    how can the lighting be flat and have harsh shadows?

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  4. #4
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Matt In Action

    Yeah, Matt came out to help us (us is our mountain bike site, - the site that got it all started) at the annual Interbike tradeshow in Las Vegas. We shoot "Virtual Tradeshow Booths" for the manufacturers and the photos have to be really, really good. This is very difficult in a tradeshow environment and Matt did a great job. I'm really happy you were available at the last minute, Matt. Next year we'll let you know well in advance.

    I've got one photo here of Matt in action - sort of. We were never actually shooting at the same time and place. I wanted to make sure I had one of him at the show so I could post it here, though

    You can see an example of what Matt shot, here: Mtbr Ibis Virtual Tradeshow Booth

    Thanks again, Matt. It was cool hanging out and getting to know you better, too
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Something Recent-_9241346.jpg  

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  5. #5
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Something Recent

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    how can the lighting be flat and have harsh shadows?
    harsh shadows from the chair. Direct light on the models I'm not a huge fan of. I like softer, directional light. MO.

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