Well, after my college years, I was never a huge Halloween fan, at least not in the sense of going out to parties in costume. Still from time to time I did, most often during the years I shot the clubs on South Beach.
This is probably my all-time favorite character. I came up with it after seeing the movie The Public Eye, starring Joe Pesci (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105187/). Pesci's Great Bernzini character was loosely based on photographer Arthur Felig (better known as Weegee, famous for his street and crime scene photos in the 1930s and 40s).
I was actually working that Halloween (if you could call having to hit the circuit of posh SoBe parties work), covering the festivities for a couple of publications. And yes, I rented an authentic Graflex Speed Graphic camera from a local prop shop (used my P&S for the actual pictures, though). That's a cigar stub in my mouth (essential prop for the night), and I was wearing a fedora with a PRESS card in it...
The best part was, being in costume, I was able to play the rude-boy Pesci character to a tee (just imagine my usual wise-ass personality taken to the nth degree). The insulting and suggestive comments I was able to get away with (mostly to women) without getting slapped (or worse) was unbelievable...
So, what cool or funny characters have you played on Halloween and what was the story behind it? Let's see some pics if you have them...