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  1. #1
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Rockford, IL

    So - How was your year?

    Ansel Adams is quoted as saying "Twelve significant photographs in one year is a good crop". Obviously this averages out to one per month, but good photographic opportunities don't always happen on schedule. Sometimes you might get a couple of great shots in the same day, sometimes it seems like you just can't make anything work (at least me... ;) ).

    Being the last day of the year - or already 2005 for our friends in Australia - I thought it would be interesting to take another look at work from this year. See how a new technique, skill or subject became part of your portfolio, or maybe changed the direction of your photography. Then post one image - hopefully one you haven't posted before, and maybe something different for you - and tell us about it.

    OK, I'll go first. For starters, I'm not really excited with this scan. I have a new flatbed scanner and I'll have to work more with it. This is the scan of a print (wet print, done at a lab) done with Kodak T-Max 3200, shot at 1600, available light with the 85 f1.4 within a stop of wide open. January this year was the first time I was hired to photograph a wedding. I've done a couple since then and am looking forward to more next year - this would have been a big surprise to me a couple of years ago! This one is from a friend's wedding which I was not hired to shoot - and that let me try some different things. Rather than sticking to standard shots, I used the film mentioned above, and the original prints really look great. It's a whole different feel than color film with a flash. Gulp... here goes...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails So - How was your year?-scan1.jpg  

  2. #2
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Mineral Point, WI, USA

    Re: So - How was your year?

    Let me be the second to post to this thread. Well, I don't think that I can say the I have 12 wall hangers from this year, but I haven't been trying to make great photos for the entire year either. With that said, I think I am on the 1/month pace tho.

    The biggest change for me this year was moving to digital. Digital has given me a much greater opportunity to practice, practice and practice. I would never have dreampt of taking a few thousands shots with film knowing that I would have to pay to have them all developed and not being able to see and make adjustments on the spot. Another big change for me was working in PS to improve and enhace my photos. This was also the year that I really studdied photography. I have been reading books and magazines as well as taking a photo class at the University. All in all it was great learning year for me and I am looking forward to learning and improving much more in the coming year. Here is a shot from an outing on Wednesday.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails So - How was your year?-2545-flooded-barn.jpg  

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    "I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
    Aldo Leopold

  3. #3
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Peach Boy (sorry, Steve, but whenever I see the names of some of the burbs of Chicago, I can't help but think of the movie League of Their Own - "I'm a PEACH!")

    Not to rain on your thread (it's a great topic), but if I had to sum up my 2004, especially the latter part, I'd have to use the words major disappointment...

    I had two very important fashion shoots washed out towards the end of the year, one in Chicago and one in Miami, simply because the models bailed on me for no good reason at the last minute. I had invested much time, money, and energy in both these projects with absolutely nothing to show for it, and this with quite a few magazine and agency folks waiting to see the images.

    That was a 1- 2 punch that left me very dejected and actually had me wondering why I'm trying to do this for a living...

    Still, I'm not only a glass is half full kind of guy, but actually a "I'm sure the waiter will be around with some more water any minute!" guy, and I have nothing but confidence that 2005 is going to be a break-out year for me. I still have tons of ideas and opportunities, and those are the things that are most impotant.

    And I now realize that I need to have better control of situations like those two shoots, do not just blindly trust people I'm working with, and make sure I have backup plans to prevent disasters like that from happening again.

    BTW, 2004 was good for me in other ways. My photoshop and web design skills improved measureably. The project shown below was crucial to my confidence as a shooter and digital editor, as it taught me that I can salvage very good imagery from what appear to be mediocre photos.

    Oh, and BTW2, my Chicago trip had a very nice silver lining as I was lucky enough to spend some more time with you and the other great folks from this site at the Gathering!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails So - How was your year?-julie-montage1.jpg  
    "Riding along on a carousel...tryin' to catch up to you..."

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  4. #4
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Sep 2002

    Re: So - How was your year?

    2004 was a good ear for me..
    Being published three times, tops my list of photographic experiences.
    Twice in one magazine and the cover of another. Both local cycling/sports magazines.
    I got to my third and last Red Bull Rampage, always a good time.
    2004 marked the end of my first year of being a moderator here, a great experience I must say.
    Haven't been to any gatherings, I would LOVE to though. I would LOVE to have one here in SLC.... Anyone interested in that?
    I did though meet Loren, when I was in his California. John, Loren, his girlfriend and I met for dinner.
    I did a ride with John too during that same time. I also saw again kafin8ed and motionboy at the Red Bull Rampage.

    I also shot a wedding, well two actually. One more extentsive than the other, both were for my good friends.

    2005, starts with a job change of sorts. And I am hoping to get published in a magazine in Austrailia. I was contacted by them about some of my Red Bull Rampage stuff.

    Happy New Year everyone!


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    “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams

    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

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