Hi All, Kim and I are going to be in Madison for a couple of days...should be back Friday afternoon. We'll be taking the laptop with us, but not sure if we'll be on very much. As mentioned earlier, I'm going to go "camera shopping" and let Kim try out several different cameras. Of course...Adina has thrown a monkey wrench in by suggesting she might be selling her 10D...whew...decisions, decisions, decisions!!!!! Anyway, everyone have a good couple of days...Wisconsinites...be careful for the next few days. Looks like we're gonna get dumped on...again...Thats why we're staying in Madison, so we don't have to drive in that stuff!!!
Don't know if I'll be posting "jacuzzi" or "nude" pics a la "SPEED"...hahahaha.....We're not so "pleasing" to look at...hehehe...but we'll see if we can get some nice snow pics from Mad Town!!!!