For better or worse, I just offered to photograph my friends band this weekend when they play in the city (San Francisco). I just bought a camera this week, a Canon Digital Rebel Xsi, with the kit lens 18-55, this is my first DSLR moving up from a point and shoot SD800. Typically they play in very dark smallish type bars, and are a 4person band. I am just looking for some input on settings here. I know I can't get away with NOT using a flash, so what would be ideal? I don't want to wash out all the darkness with the flash at the same time. I can stand anywhere from 10-20 feet from the stage I am sure. I guess I am looking for ideal settings, aperture, ISO, and shutter speed for this. I know I don't have the best setup for this type of shooting...but honestly, I have seen their myspace page...All their photos were taken using my friends $150 point and shoot, so I can't do much worse!
Thanks for any advice or tips!