Been on the todo list for sometime, but one thing or another crops up and it has always been put off........had a bit of a 50mm day, think all but 2 of the shots were not taken with it.Severalls Hospital, (or Severalls Asylum as its was originally known) Colchester, opened in 1913 for 1800 patients. It is based on the “echelon plan”, which is a specific arrangement of wards, offices and services within easy reach of each other by a network of interconnecting corridors.
Phased closure began in the 1990’s and is still in progress. A large proportion of the closed site has been earmarked for housing development but with the current ‘credit crunch’ and down turn in the housing market this may not happen anytime soon.
The Long Corridor by vmlopes, on Flickr
Washing Up Time by vmlopes, on Flickr
Pillar of Strength by vmlopes, on Flickr
Tubs 1 & 2 by vmlopes, on Flickr
Maintenance Dept' Have Left The Building by vmlopes, on Flickr
No More Laundry by vmlopes, on Flickr
The Blue Door by vmlopes, on Flickr
Engage The Reaktomat by vmlopes, on Flickr
All Peeled Away by vmlopes, on Flickr
The View Out by vmlopes, on Flickr