Re: Self Portraits 2009
Originally Posted by natgaines
Hey all!! Just checking in! I've been so busy with this, that and the other thing. Finally getting things settled lately and wanted to see how things were here. I've missed checking out all the posts and figured I'd post one =D
I'm still working on my SP 365 and can't wait till it's over! But I've been able to do a few projects here and there that don't don't involve me and I hope I've been growing!!
Here's a new one...
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/natashaleigh/3992872484/" title="[284.365] Sucking up by ~*Evil Pea*~, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2513/3992872484_c9e1033534.jpg" width="500" height="334" alt="[284.365] Sucking up" /></a>
Haha... that's great.
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Re: Self Portraits 2009
Took this before heading out to a friends wedding. Exposed 1.5 stops below ambient reading, flash off camera and set manually until I liked what I saw. Took about 20 shots before I got the pose I was after.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Very nice shot Trevor. It can be a real pain getting everything to come together before the timer runs out. This definitely doesn't look like a self portrait, which is usually what I associate with the best ones.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
very nice trevor! your house? it's come a long way since the last one you posted (wallpaper in the kitchen, i think)
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Re: Self Portraits 2009
It's been ten months now since I started this thread and it seems to still be alive and kicking. I had my camera with me yesterday at work and got a little bored with what wasn't happening. I took the opportunity to try out the timer on the D700. It seems to be working just fine.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Nice one Larry....I like the way you coordinated your eye color with your shirt. Whats the award for on the back wall?
Re: Self Portraits 2009
I just took a few minutes to run through the whole thread. This is an amazing collection of photographs. Ten and a half months of wonderful innovative images. It all started because I passed a mirror with my new Christmas hat on and wanted to show it off. You guys are amazing. Let's finish out the year with more great Self Portraits.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
love those baby blues and the pose! =D
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Thanks you Dana and Nat. The Lord giveth and he also taketh away. He gave me the blue eyes than took away the hair that went with them. LOL and Nat your flickr 365 was the reason I did another selfer. I think you are doing a marvelous job with that, it's a real inspiration.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Originally Posted by dana m.
I can't get as inventive as you guys do......we got a new security mirror at work. This is about the best I could do.
Well done, Dana! Looking good! :)
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Looking good, Larry. I'm also curious about the award. . .
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Re: Self Portraits 2009
Me the OBGYN (not really)
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Originally Posted by Loupey
Me the OBGYN (not really)
Good one, Loupey. I'm wondering if you have of your great photos hanging in your office. You certainly should.
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Re: Self Portraits 2009
This is something I had been contemplating for a while. I had originally tried this with on camera flash and bouncing it off the back wall, but too much of the interior became illuminated. After going back again armed with some flash heads and light stand, here is a final version that I am much happier with.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Great shot Gary...and somehow you managed to drag one of your delapidated buildings into the scene.
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Re: Self Portraits 2009
I took this while taking pictures of my Daughter. It was just quick and not really thought out but I thought it turned out pretty interesting. http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos..._1420818_n.jpg
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Love this one Gary! I commented in the Gallery and said there that I might just have to copy this one. Great idea.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Wonderful portrait to introduce yourself with. Welcome and I hope we see more photos and post from you.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Welcome, AudiJo!
Looks like we got ourselves an artist.
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Re: Self Portraits 2009
Originally Posted by AudiJo715
Well thank you :]
Great!! Love the spontaniety of it and it came across wel composed .
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Re: Self Portraits 2009
Truly yours
Illumination with an old Flash bounced of the wall, took a few tries to get the exposure somewhat correct, although still a bit dark.
Focus is manual, auto focus wouldn't shoot as the room was dark and I was not in position when the shooter was pressed as I was shooting with the timer, this also made step back a couple of steps every time after pressing the shooter. I found it was harder than expected to know where to stand to get a somewhat decent picture.
This is my first time playing with an external flash.
I know I chopped the top of my head,
and it is a bit dark but my wife was calling me for dinner :p
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Re: Self Portraits 2009
Hey, dinner is important and so is a wife calling.
Its a good one.
During my dog and tracks shoots I just started clicking while walking toward the lens.
I keep forgetting about the tape on my glasses..glasses aren't broken, its for a sore on my nose.