ViewFinder Photography Forum

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  1. #1
    Nikon User photo101's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    To see or not to see

    For those of you who wear you keep them on or take them off when you are taking pictures?

    I usually take mine off, but it just gets tiring having to take them on and off every time i want to take a pic.

    "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." - Abraham Lincoln

  2. #2
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    rockin' it in the D

    Keep mine on

    Can't see further than three feet in front of me without them. Well, okay, I can, but it's a bit blurry, and I can't make out what's going on. So if I don't need to see any details, roadsigns, other cars, that kind of thing, I don't wear them. Otherwise they are just about glued to my face.


  3. #3
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL
    One reason I switched to contacts! Depending on the camera, you may be able to adjust the diopter in the eyepiece or get a screw on diopter that's the same as your prescription.

    Some of the Nikon bodies (F3HP, F4, F5, F100 etc) have a high-eyepoint viewfinder which allows you to see the full image in the finder even if your eye isn't directly on it - as in with your glasses on.

  4. #4
    Co-Moderator, Photography as Art forum megan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Planet Megan - Astoria, NY

    It's funny...

    In college I got ocular herpes, and could not wear contact lenses for years because of the resulting scarring. Fortunately, contact lenses are much thinner and forgiving now of uneven lens surfaces, so I can wear them again.

    ANYWAY, we had an interesting critique in class one day - my professor realized that my photographs changed when I went from using the contacts to glasses all the time.

    Pretty interesting stuff! When you wear glasses, you have less peripheral view in focus, so you turn your head instead of seeing stuff out of the corners of your eyes. And that affected my *photographic* vision.

    SO - I always wear my lenses now when taking photos!


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