So it's been almost a year and Beijing is still interesting. But it's getting to the point where I think I'd rather be home after all. The past two weeks have shown the lengths the gov will go to stop protests. A couple of BBC reporters beaten by "unknown assailants" that no one can identify and can't be found on any cameras even though the city is COVERED by them. Photographers being stopped left and right, mainly foreign ones, and questioned and even detained for hours for "suspicious activities". And while going around a tourist spot with my D3X and a short lens, I was surrounded by 5 men, three in uniform, and 2 "sweepers" (secret service types dressed as street sweepers to keep too many people from gathering together; they stab at the people's feet with their brooms and tell them to move), and questioned. Luckily I had my passport which had a visa showing I lived in Beijing legally. They held on to my camera for long enough to start to make me nervous, then just took my card and gave me back the camera. Interestingly, the guy didn't notice the second card so at least it wasn't a total loss. But still scary. If anything Nobel Prize worthy ever did happen, I don't think I'd have the guts to take the shot. My hat goes off to the men and women who do!