I snuk down to these cranes in a meadow, got to within about 30 feet of them, doing an army crawl through tall grass and thistles. As with most wildlife I find, the shots are sort of at the animals discretion, they rarely cooperate or pose for me, hence stuff going out of the frame or lighting on the wrong side or whatever. I take what they give me =D
These were all taken up the Provo canyon and around the Heber area. I wish the cranes would have cooperated more, but I don't have a ton of experience stalking and shooting birds like this, and I wasn't prepared to wait around 10 hours a day for the perfect shot.
Feel free to tell me what you think of any of these, my Epson 2200 is fired up and ready to print something, I gotta have at least a few printable keepers from each trip.
Birds shot with 10D, 100-400L IS. The other stuff is with the 17-40L.