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Thread: Rock the Casbah

  1. #1
    Drive by shooter susaan's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Rock the Casbah

    Debu plays 4 shows in Tehran,this month...and we travel all over,hopefully will be some good photo opps. (Thanks for the good wishes,Wild Wassa)
    My photo was used for this poster... see I"m not the only one with a shaky hand in Photoshop ! (Chin area)
    Attached Images Attached Images  

    " Got Soul, but I'm Not a Soldier "
    The Killers

    “ Make no judgments where you have no compassion ”
    Anne McCaffrey

    " If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority.'
    Yugoslav Proverb

  2. #2
    Senior Member AmberC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Rock the Casbah

    Congratulations on your photo being used!!
    cam: Sony a100 DSLR
    Please do not edit my images.. thanks

  3. #3
    banished Asmarlak's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Rock the Casbah

    I never heard of him. When I saw your photo I went to YouTube and saw some videos of him singing. I still don't know where he is from or what language he sings in. It'll be nice if you tell us something.

  4. #4
    Drive by shooter susaan's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Rock the Casbah

    Actually without my laptop for a few days,so will respond with some info,as soon as its larger hard drive incoming..and yes,I'm backed up !

    " Got Soul, but I'm Not a Soldier "
    The Killers

    “ Make no judgments where you have no compassion ”
    Anne McCaffrey

    " If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority.'
    Yugoslav Proverb

  5. #5
    Drive by shooter susaan's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Rock the Casbah

    Ok,laptop back...its like living in a strange house that has all your clothes and furniture in the wrong rooms. :mad2:

    Debu are my friends and family,making music for at least 25 years,in one form or another,
    today's line up , our children.-about 50 of us live and work in Indonesia-a community of sufis with a sheykh whose traditions go back to Rumi,amongst others.
    Mustafa took on the lead vocals 7 years ago,when his father,(who can sing a mean blues song to this day) retired from public life and concentrated on his writing,which includes all Debu's lyrics.His name is Sheykh Fattaah-an american- DAR mother-who traveled the world,after serving his country in Korea,and sat at the feet of teachers from many religions,until he came to rest with a Sheykh who taught him sufism,eventually granting him permission to teach.

    Singing in 7 or more languages,based in Indonesia,playing in S.E Asia,and now Turkey and Iran,the message is peace,care for our world,feed your soul !
    We try really hard to stay clear of political connections,choosing to promote world and health concerns and young artists who come to us for experience in the biz,
    ......and generally have a ball traveling around together,playing live music shows

    Mustafa has matured in his role as our arranger,adding flamenco,rock,folk influences,bringing in artists from all over the world to collaborate,and I'm proud to be his friend,Auntie and embedded photographer !

    My band website is
    -for links and videos and info.

    Here are a few recent photos of Mustafa,will put more in a blog,as time allows.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Rock the Casbah-dsc06722.jpg   Rock the Casbah-dsc06921.jpg  

    " Got Soul, but I'm Not a Soldier "
    The Killers

    “ Make no judgments where you have no compassion ”
    Anne McCaffrey

    " If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority.'
    Yugoslav Proverb

  6. #6
    Stop Or I'll Shoot Photography Lori11's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Birmingham, Alabama USA

    Re: Rock the Casbah

    Thanks for expaling all that! The last 2 photo's are framers

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