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Thread: a quince

  1. #1
    Member markg740's Avatar
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    a quince

    hi everyone.
    im pretty sure i hooked this gig shooting at a quincenera on sept. 30, i think im gonna do it for free and i dont know where to start.... ive never shot an event or anything like this before. any suggestions? help? comments? questions? does anyone know any good websites or books for help? ahhh is 6.3 megapixels okay for something like this? :mad2:


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  2. #2
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: a quince

    A couple things you should do before the shoot. Go to the location and scout out the place at the same time of day that the quincenera is going to be held. This will give you a pretty good idea of what the lighting will be like. Also, talk to the people/family that asked you do to it to get an idea of what type of photo's they want. The resolution of your camera should be fine and I wouldn't worry about it at all. I have made a 16x24 print with mine and it looked great, and I'm sure I could go bigger.

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  3. #3
    drg is offline
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    Re: a quince

    These events are very similar to a wedding depending upon local variation.

    Clothing, people, ceremony, cars, etc. are the primary target. Get family groupings, etc.

    Be prepared for a long day. Look at various wedding information. If you have more specific questions, we'll help!
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  4. #4
    Member markg740's Avatar
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    Re: a quince

    thanks guys
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  5. #5
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    Re: a quince

    Will it be on MTV? :blush2:

    Anyways, I'd just go there and shoot pics like you normally do.
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  6. #6
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: a quince

    No MTV, these are 15 yrs, not 16

    Spend A LOT of time studying posing groups. These are VERY VERY important for a quince (I can't spell it). And make sure you get shots of the cake, and the decorations, and the dress details and all the couples. Basically, like a wedding. The difference being, that these things are sponsered. Meaning, an aunt and uncle might pay for the cake. Grandparents might pay for decorations, donations are sent for on.

    Treat it like a wedding, and if you are doing it for free, know that you are going to be putting in A LOT of time and effort. If you are going to charge, you might want to look into albums as well....

    Dh is 1/2 Mexican/Native American, so I've gotten bits and pieces of info over the years whenever one of these comes up.

    Good luck!
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  7. #7
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    Re: a quince

    Quote Originally Posted by adina
    No MTV, these are 15 yrs, not 16
    MTV's has quinces too . I've seen it.

    Though If they were my daughters i'd have sliced my wrists and died of blood loss already.
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  8. #8
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: a quince

    yeah, I hear ya.

    Fortunately, since my girls are only 1/16th (I think) Mexican, I think we can get away without having to do this.
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  9. #9
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: a quince

    Awww c'mon Adina...Quinceniera's are fun...When I was married to my first wife, we went to several. She was from Mexico.
    Anyway, Yes Mark...these are very important events. They are basically a "Debutants' Ball" and similar to a Bar Mitzvah. Basically a right of passage from girlhood into womanhood.
    There are also many thoughts on the subject of charge. I recently did an event for free and was expecting some sales afterwards, but so far, nothing. So, if I were you, I'd consider at least some sort of minimal charge to cover your time and effort. I've learned my lesson.
    We will be shooting our first wedding in November, and we let the people know that it was our first one, but that we would have to charge a minimal fee...we haven't settled yet on how much, but we will at least get our gas money and time, this time. hehe
    Good luck,

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