Interesting concept. There does appear to be a bit of camera shake and it seems like it would be a little stronger if the edges of the mirrored tiles were cleaner/newer but certainly something worth exploring further!
There shouldn't of been any camera shake due to being tripod mounted when taken.
I did not focus on the orignal lens, these were all reflections of just one lens.
I agree I defintly need new mirror tiles, but all I have at the time.
And thank you.
I've noticed I have great difficulty in keeping glass clean enough to photograph, it has a bad habit of refracting light from any and all smudges and imperfections. The shake comment was because I noticed "ghosting" around the letters, most evident on both sides of the Canon logo, may be an optical illusion caused by the mirrors.
I think the mirrors did play with the letters a little. Caused think I only had a 50 mm lens on, and I used Mirror lock up to prevent all shake. I even used the self timer to leaver the room before it went off.
So I really don't know how to explain the ghosting of the letters, And I noticed that the first thing.