it's tonight in Santa Clara, California - sorry
i think i meant to post this a long time ago - and forgot - am not sure where to put it - and Johnny isn't around for me to ask . . . but . . . . in case someone cares, here it is, and maybe someone can copy it over to a better place for me, if there is a better place . . .
it's in Santa Clara at Santa Clara City Pub. Lib (not the county lib. system), Santa Clara, Calif.
Tuesday, May 18, 7 p.m.
Location: 2635 Homestead Road
Speaker: Ron Perisho
Topic: A presentation of the history and creation of 3-D slides by photographers during the Civil War
Through a 3-D slide Presentation of photographs taken during the Civil War (1861-1865), the history of the war and the creation of the photographs will be discussed. This will chronicle the creation process, collection and archiving of 3-D photographs, and reveal the reasons behind their recent release, interest, and cataloging.
Ron Perisho is an engineer, amateur historian and photography enthusiast. He lives in San Ramon, California, and enjoys discussing the Civil War, and landscape and photographic history.
the above is from the site of the society . . . oops - that's the Santa Clara County Historical and Genealogical Society
see ya there . . . or not . . . .
b (who is very into genealogy . . . )