So Christmas just passed, my 25th anniversary is tomorrow and the 27 anniversary of my 21st birthday is early February. My beautiful wife and I learned long ago just to leave subtle hints, pictures, emails and whatnot, of what we would really like for a gift. We just act surprised when it gets here. This year the love of my life is getting laser surgery on her eyes and I asked for the D200. No problem really, just waiting and hoping. Except for one glitch. We have a corporate ac**** with B&H and my email is the listed address for shipping notification. Now I don't know if Adrienne overlooked that fact or did it on purpose because I got notice of the shipment and confrmation of delivery, I just don't have it in my hands yet and I'll be dying to play with the camera until I hopefully get it tomorrow. So what do you think, absent minded omission, or cruel toying with my head?