Shots of the partial solar eclipse yesterday. In my area it started just before sunset, so there was a very short time window. We also had clouds on the horizon which obscured it at the end.
Set the absolute minimum exposure I could get, not having any ND filters. 1/8000, f:40, ISO 100. I did not look through the viewfinder, I held the camera out a few inches from my face and sort of "aimed" it. D7000, 70-300 at 300mm. Amazingly, I was able to get sunspots!!!!! I though maybe that was just clouds, but I've seen eclipse pictures from a club member here who used a telescope and solar filters, and those are sunspots!!!! I PHOTOGRAPHED SUNSPOTS WITH A HANDHELD UNFILTERED dSLR!!!!!!!!
I also backed off the zoom and exposure and took a regular sunset pic, and the eclipse is visible on the top of the sun, if you know it's there.... Shows how the clouds interfered with me, though!
Shot from the pier at St. Andrews State Park, Florida.