OK, today my brother got married for the second time. I think this one is a keeperI was not the photographer, but seeing that they did not have a photographer, I went ahead and took a bunch of pictures. This wedding was outside, right on the ocean. It started at 3:00 on a VERY bright and sunny day.
I knew the photography would be tough, with very hard shadows and very bright highlights. To make matters worse, I flaked out and left my D70 at 400 ISO and for half the photo's, had it set to +1.0Thankfully I was not paid for this job!
However, here's the main matter at hand. How the heck do those who make a living at this handle such a scenerio? How does one prevent the harsh shadows without blowing out everything else. How does one eliminate the bright highlights without making evrything else too dark to see?!?
I got home and upload the images on my machine and was so incredibly frustrated. Even my wonderful wife could pick up on my irritation with my work. I'm currently up to my eyeballs in PS corrections.
Advice? Anyone?!?