So there I was at my daughter's swim meet, going to take pictures (because I don't ever seem to have enough you know), and find out that the battery is dead. OK fine - I didn't have a backup as I'm never in the position where it's that important to get the shot (however I purchased a backup today!). I start putting the camera away, which involved removing the Sigma 70-200 2.8 from the body because that's the only way it fits into my old bag. Somehow, (and here's where things get fuzzy) while I had the lens a few inches above the ground - which was concrete - I dropped it. Smack on the 'corner' of the lens. Looks horrible - but the good news is that the UV filter saved it. Had to take it into the store to remove it as I couldn't get it to budge, but once the filter was removed, all was well. Who knew that a $30 filter could protect an $800 lens?? :thumbsup: