Today's my birthday! Ta-Da! I haven't consciously made an effort to give myself a birthday present before. I've bought things in the name of my birthday sure but I rarely actively participate in birthday. It's just something that happens and I'm very glad of it! You've gotta keep having birthdays! The alternatives are grim.
So here I am, 37 years into this party and I think I've begun to figure a few things out.
First, take your opportunities to celebrate. No matter how many years you get, life's too short.
Second, smiles are cheap and they make you look awesome, no matter who you are or what you look like. Try one on! One size fits all!
Third, learn to look for those weird little moments where you think, "Wow, everything is just right.' Say to yourself, "Click." Freeze that second and save it away for a darker day because nothing is ever just right for long. Savor your moments.