Last night we had the storm of the century and maybe the last century as well. I would go out and try to take some photos, but I do not want to add to the confusion on the roads, nor get stuck in it. :blush2:
It started about 7:30 pm and went until about 9-9:30 p.m. the worst thunder and lightening (sp?) storm we have had in years - dropped 73 mm (about 3 inches) in that time period, seriously flooded some homes and underpasses including one on our major north south freeway that halted traffic for a few hours. A number of other roads were closed because of flooded underpasses - you can guess what that does in a city of a million people all trying to get to work in the morning. Fortunately, my wife and I are retired so we do not have to worry about this.
Two houses were set on fire by the lightening and two people hit by it (separate situations)...both are in hospital and will survive.
The rain heaved pavement on a major N-S artery to the extent they had to shut down 8 blocks because it was undriveable and many cars were abandoned in flooded underpasses elsewhere. This rainfall beats the last major spring storm in 2005 when about 30 mm fell in a similar time period. Flood warnings are out for all areas along the two rivers that flow through town.
The good newsit is still raining and they are forecasting an additional 30 to 50 mm of rain by tomorrow morning when it is expected to stop (let's hope)
, but no thunder or lightening