I have been setting up a new office and studio and decided to improve our digital camera test setup. This is the new one - so far. I'm looking for suggestions about stuff to add. I want universally recognizable stuff that will help people to evaluate a digital camera's image quality. I was thinking of adding a can or bottle of Heineken and replacing the newspaper classifieds with something else that has fine print - maybe a dictionary.
Incidentally, this is an actual test photo from an Olympus Stylus 780 digital camera that I got last week. It's pocket-sized, weatherproof, and has CCD-Shift image stabilization. Neat, huh?!
Didn't know we had studio sample photos for digital cameras? Well, we do. Here's a link to all of them:
High-res digital camera sample photos >>
They can also be accessed via the digital camera pro reviews. Every pro review inlcudes links to corresponding full-size sample photos.