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  1. #1
    E-2 Bucketman Pgh_N8tv's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Roanoke, VA

    New camera, FIRST pics!

    Got my Canon XSi and am very pleased. Briefly read the owners manual and was off shooting. I know I have a long way to go, but think a few shots came out ok. I was in NYC when I bought it, what a great place to take pictures!

    Here are a few enjoy, and criticism is always welcome.

    Thanks in advance.

    Cool symbolism


    "Death Race" on a NYC cab, how appropriate!





    Hurry up and wait




  2. #2
    Member Dave Smith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Brandon, MS

    Re: New camera, FIRST pics!

    Some nice shots here

    Glad you like your new Canon

    Thanks for sharing

    Nikon D60 :thumbsup:
    Nikor 35 f 1.8 ... Nikor 18-200 f 3.5/5.6 ...Nikor 18-55 f 3.5/5.6 ... Nikor 55-200mm f 4.5/5.6
    Nikon SB-600 Flash

    Fujifilm FinePix S9000 - A Digicam ...
    Not a true DSLR but close enough :wink5:
    Promaster 5750DX Flash

    Nikon FG :thumbsup:
    Nikon 50mm f 1.8 ,,, Quantaray 28-80mm f 3.5-4.5 ... Quantaray 80-300mm F 5
    Nikon MD-E motor drive
    Nikon SB-15 Flash

  3. #3
    Stop Or I'll Shoot Photography Lori11's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Birmingham, Alabama USA

    Re: New camera, FIRST pics!

    I love the first photo! I the flag and the peace sign, good eye! I love that there is a peace sign spray painted on the ground by the van

  4. #4
    Starting to think outside of the box icicle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Kelso, Wa

    Re: New camera, FIRST pics!

    Stunning pictures

  5. #5
    Liz is offline
    Moderator Emeritus Liz's Avatar
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    Re: New camera, FIRST pics!

    Congratulations on your new camera! Nice shots! Yes, NYC is a very interesting place for a photographer - lots of opportunities - lots of fun subjects. I really like that first one.

    What lens(lenses) did you get with the XSi? Looks like you got a winner.


  6. #6
    E-2 Bucketman Pgh_N8tv's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Roanoke, VA

    Re: New camera, FIRST pics!

    Thank you all so much for the nice comments!
    Means a lot to a beginner such as myself.

    Liz: Just the kit lens for now (18-55mm IS). Once I get the hang of things I will most likely be looking into a 70-300mm for wildlife and maybe some macro work.

    Thanks again for the kind words!

  7. #7
    Liz is offline
    Moderator Emeritus Liz's Avatar
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    New Jersey

    Re: New camera, FIRST pics!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pgh_N8tv
    Thank you all so much for the nice comments!
    Means a lot to a beginner such as myself.

    Liz: Just the kit lens for now (18-55mm IS). Once I get the hang of things I will most likely be looking into a 70-300mm for wildlife and maybe some macro work.

    Thanks again for the kind words!
    Don't apologize for getting the kit lens. This lens has some great reviews - for the price it cannot be beat. I was a bit concerned about the color/contrast with a less expensive lens, but after seeing your shots - especially the first one, the color is just fine, actually great!

    After seeing your shots, I decided to purchase this lens. I recently purchased the Tokina 11-16 which is an awesome lens! However, I can't take the weight. Last year I sold my heavier equipment due to a back problem, but "rationalized" that the Tokina isn't "that heavy" only to discover it IS that heavy for me.

    So, thanks for sharing your images as the results you got pushed me over the edge!


  8. #8
    E-2 Bucketman Pgh_N8tv's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Roanoke, VA

    Re: New camera, FIRST pics!

    Yes, I was very happy to get the body and lens for $699. I have seen it (kit) advertised as high as $799 just yesterday.

    Your opinion means alot to me. So, I will def be keeping this lens!

    Thanks again and best of luck with your new purchase.

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