I just got my new E-PL1 yesterday and only had enough time to take it out of the box and look at it!
I had an appointment in NY today so I only had about an hour to try out the E-PL1. I just had enough time to attach the kit lens (14-42), put it in auto - and snap away. Hopefully tomorrow I will have time to learn the camera a bit more and try different settings.
The sun was very bright (about 2:00 p.m.) and it shows in some of the photos. However, I think it did pretty good for auto - I'm going to like this camera! I love the feel - it's easy to handle and feels comfortable in my hands. A few ounces lighter than the E-P1 - but nice looking (as you can see in PJ's review, video.
Don't look at the composition - just quick snapshots - straight out of camera no post processing..
Input and comments (positive or negative) are most welcome. Thanks.
This guy was good - he was "frozen in time" and you couldn't even see his breaths, then a mechanical noise went off - and he would quickly move to another position.