It's time for me to contribute something after enjoying this site for a while.
First of all, I would like to say this site does provide many information that I never knew before, especially for thos digital camera reviews and discussion. I really appreciate it !
I have actually looking for some sort of bulk ink system for my Epson R300. I print many photos on the daily basis, I have tried several Bulk ink system before, but I failed all the time. I guess it is not only I am too stupid but also the design of those systems are actually pretty bad. I need to admit that I am not a "handyman" at all.
Few weeks ago, I finally got a very good solution from http://www.InkRepublic.com
Their system is really good and easy to install. I took no more than 10 minutes to set everything up. Besides, their customer service is excellent. I am not tring to promo them, but I would give them A++.
Other choice is: http://www.inksupply.com but their system is not as good as I would expect. At least, I could not have them up. It took me whole day to install, but faild.
I would say this kind of continuous ink supply system does help me a lot and I actually save tons of money from it.
I would like to discuss with others regarding bulk ink support system, especially using on your photos.
Just FYI -
You all have a good Day !