One of the things that kept me interested in photography is photomanipulation. I always wanted to take good enough photos that I did not need stock. Here is an example:

I cannot post the image here, because people who provide the stock restrict its use.

Here the photo of the woman is not mine. Unfortunately, because it is the strange attractor.

The wings are not mine. Nor is the huddling man.

And while I find the whole girls with wings as angels thing to be really trite, I try, as is my nature, to make a joke that makes it maybe slightly less trite.

The photo of the Denver skyline being incinerated is mine. As is the panorama of the Rocky Mountains. As is the photoshop work. As is the incineration effect created from a layer of stock smoke provided by someone else. The 3d halo thing, the texture and the burning canvas are all mine.

I like it but I wish I could make 100% of the content mine by doing all the photo work...