planned this shot for about a month , got up today at 4AM , to drive 100kms to the location , I was there from 5AM to 6AM
I'm quite pleased with the current results
This image is the third attempt to process the raw files
I shot 15 images from the same location with the intent to stack them,
stacking the images amplifies the light of the stars and reduces noise
Every shot is 30 secs iso 1600 F2.8 at 11mm using my D300
Long exposure noise reduction turned off so I can shoot quickly one after another, high iso NR is also off
Image stacked using Deepskystacker software which is a free download.
this one of the unprocessed images just converted to JPG
and a couple more , single shots with some light painting done with my flash
on this one the bottom part already has some light before sunrise, stars are fading, while on top they are still visible, sunrise is at 7AM, this was shot at 6AM
I really enjoyed this
Thanks for looking