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Thread: milky way

  1. #1
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    milky way

    planned this shot for about a month , got up today at 4AM , to drive 100kms to the location , I was there from 5AM to 6AM

    I'm quite pleased with the current results

    This image is the third attempt to process the raw files

    I shot 15 images from the same location with the intent to stack them,
    stacking the images amplifies the light of the stars and reduces noise

    Every shot is 30 secs iso 1600 F2.8 at 11mm using my D300
    Long exposure noise reduction turned off so I can shoot quickly one after another, high iso NR is also off

    Image stacked using Deepskystacker software which is a free download.

    this one of the unprocessed images just converted to JPG

    and a couple more , single shots with some light painting done with my flash

    on this one the bottom part already has some light before sunrise, stars are fading, while on top they are still visible, sunrise is at 7AM, this was shot at 6AM

    I really enjoyed this

    Thanks for looking

  2. #2
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Re: milky way

    This is incredibly cool. I still entertain the notion that one of these days I'll slap my camera on my telescope and see what comes of it. Though with the NEX that might be easier than it used to be...

    Great shots.

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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: milky way

    Armando -

    Congratulations on a successful early morning shoot. I suppose it took a decent amount of planning, and of course dedication, to get up that early and drive that far in the darkness (I would have camped out myself, even in the back of my Jeep).

    But 5-6 am... I would think that the sun, though maybe not risen, would start to illuminate the sky (?). Also how did the stars not move between the shots...? Even if you shot quickly, I would guess that they would still move and blur: do you have one of those fancy star tracking devices (the ones with motors, that is)? But if you shot quick enough I guess you may be OK. And that's what you said you were doing (NR off, etc). Still, that's at least several minutes between first and last.. hmm.

    The colors and illumination are the most intriguing in the top post. I also like the second one. The other two have their merits but the foregrounds don't look quite right. Good practice for next time, so definitely Ok.

    What I find challenging on night shots is the foreground. not only balancing the foreground and background light, but finding an interesting foreground to supplement the background. I prefer the darker trees in the top two, but maybe if you could find an old abandoned building for next time that may also work.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member hminx's Avatar
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    Re: milky way

    Well rewarded for your efforts, very nice armando

    Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...

    I have no issues with you editing my photos

  5. #5
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: milky way

    I'm very impressed!
    Like Armando asks, how come the stars aren't moving and leaving streaks?
    30 seconds would be long enough for that to happen I think but I never try this kind of stuff.
    Keep Shooting!


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  6. #6
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: milky way

    Thank you all for your comments

    I'm using an 11mm lens, so 30 secs is border line before stars start to leave trails, look at the corners, top right one, the stars are starting to move, it may be some comma, but if i take say a 20 sec exposure the effect goes away.

    About the movement between shots, I just carefully realign my camera a bit before every shot kidding aside ... the software does align the images

    Camping, yes it'll be easier, I know a couple of places suitable for that , where I went , I do not think it'll be safe to stay overnight, actually police may stop and ask me to leave, it is close to a small town

    I'll love to find an old building in a dark enough area where this can be done ,
    composing in the dark is not easy, I needed to trigger my flash while looking through the viewfinder to get a somewhat decent composition, also the location needs to be explored during daylight previous to the shot. during the shooting your eyes do not really get accustomed to darkness as every half a minute you get blinded by looking at the camera display.

    We're still in standard time, 5AM is completely dark , 6AM the camera starts to see the sun light, sunrise is until 7AM. We'll switch to daylight savings time 1st weekend in April and sunrise will then happen until 8AM

  7. #7
    Member Footski's Avatar
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    Re: milky way

    Incredible shots.....

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: milky way

    These are beyond amazing. This site has some serious talent.

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