I guess time has passed me by. In the last two days, including the almost 300 shots I took from morning 'till evening today has shown me that I have been wrong about several issues.

A good EVF beats an OVF. There, I said it. The quality of EVF has gone up so much that it is no longer a pain. In very low light is not at its best but then, neither is an OVF!

Video from a P&S can be as good as a video camera. Not all maybe, but my new one, released in February 2007, certainly is. That is new, at least to me. I wonder if still photography from video cameras has gotten better as well.

More pixels does not mean worse IQ. Heresy! I now have the same dinky-sized sensor with twice the pixels of my wonderful but old Canon S400. The new camera's IQ is better. Hands down. Including noise. Yes, including noise.

I truly am a PhotoGeezer® wandering around in a modern psychedelic digital photoland.