I want to share an exciting new program that I have been involved with. A little while back, Kim Crawford Wines had asked me to partner with them in launching an Artists Lounge program.
In the spirit of supporting the arts, Kim Crawford Wines launched The Artists’ Lounge online community as a place for artists and those who appreciate the arts to share inspirations and artwork with each other. Members get the chance to inspire and win original artwork and a trip for two to New Zealand. All of the artwork displayed within the community will be a true living anthology, reflective of the times.
I was chosen by Kim Crawford Wines to be one of the community’s “Artists in Residence,” and will be searching for inspiration within the community to create original artwork. From now through January, myself and three other artists from different art mediums will select ideas and create new works of art. Share an idea now if you want to inspire artwork for me or the other artists!
I would love to have the company and support of my friends here in Photography Review as you all have been the greatest factor in honing my skills and tweaking my sights.
Plus, there is the chance to win a trip for two to New Zealand!
Thanks Photo John for giving me your blessing and support to announce the program here in PR.
Drop in, sign up and Let's Start Something. . .
Experience Kim Crawford