By Seb, and Steve, and Another View and the discussions on Web Sites. And I see PJ has added an Internet and Web Design Forum now! As long as it's the Dummies version, I may be able to follow it. :-O
In addition to all this inspiration, I've been approached by a couple of people wanting beach portraits, and another wanting me to shoot her wedding. I've been wanting to make a website showing some of my favorite shots to show my family and friends. With all the requests I've been getting, the discussions on PR finally pushed me over the edge!
So here it is, a quick and dirty one pager. Now I've got to add other pages showing some of my work. So I guess I'll be spending a lot of time on the Internet and Web Design forums now, bugging the crap out of Seb, and Steve, and anyone else I can get to answer my silly little questions. :-p