Hello everyone! I've been absent from the forum for quite awhile. Life just caught up with me for a good while! My husband bought me a plane ticket back home to California (I'm living in Texas) for my Christmas present, so I was able to spend this past Christmas with my family. After I got back, I went back to work, and got back to the daily grind. We recently got a puppy, Lola, who is our new child. :] My husband was in an accident the other day, hit a patch of ice, spun out into a wall. Luckily he is okay, and our vehicle is still drivable (but is up to $4000 in damage so far, thank goodness for insurance!). So I've had a lot going on!
On top of all that (and the main reason for this post), just prior to me leaving for California, I FINALLY got my photography up off the ground!! I put up my website, made some cards, and started getting my name out there. During the first month, I did a couple shoots, and it was picking up quicker than I expected. After I returned from California, it kind of slowed down, and I was starting to get discouraged...until a few days ago. Within 2 days, I received 5 new inquiries! 1 family portraits, 1 couple portraits, and 3 weddings!
So, just a word of encouragement- keep your head up and don't stop trying! I never thought I be getting paid to do what I love, and even though I'm just starting, and still learning, I see a future in photography for myself! I'm definitely excited. :smilewinkgrin: