Someone emailed me this info below
In case you didn't hear:
" Instagram says it now has the right to sell your photos. In its first big policy shift since Facebook bought the photo-sharing site, Instagram claims the right to sell users' photos without payment or notification. Oh, and there's no way to opt out."
Instagram says it now has the right to sell your photos | Politics and Law - CNET News
*update: now the article has been updated to say that they've backed down and will "remove" the language that caused a user revolt.
Bottom line is, you could never trust them (and maybe not many others either) with your photos after a stunt like this... no matter if they "backed down" or not.. because they'll only try it again in the future when they think they can get away with it -- slip it into the TOS without too many people noticing.
Btw, another reason not to trust Facebook.