hey guys.. so i'm proposing to my girlfriend soon.. and i want to do it in style..
what i'm trying to do is recreate a paparazzi deal.. i live in chicago so need some people locally.. i live downtown..
i need 3 to 5 people with those camera's that look professional (slr's or something with a big lens).. i then need those camera ppl to harass and ask questions pretending she is someone else.. she'll have a friend with her who will at some point run and get my gf to run as well.. i'll be waiting somewhere.. and then i surprise her where you guys will take pictures.. looking for candid pictures..
i've been posting on different forums to get enough people quick.. since it was a last minute change and need to do it this weekend.. anyone that can help would be great..
i can compensate for your time and services but I dont have really a load of cash to give away.. i graduated in may and haven't started working yet.. i'm not looking for charity but hopefully we can work out something reasonable.. especially with the number of people i want..
email me at kunalp83@yahoo.com or just pm me here..
thanks everyone!