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  1. #1
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    How often do you take pictures? Every day? Every other day? Only on planned outings or other special ocassions?

    Post in the new Quick Poll >>

    Feel free to post a reply here and elaborate, too. The poll only creates an interesting statistical picture. It's always nice for people to tell the whole story.

    I probably take pictures 3-5 days per week on most weeks. I actually get tired of taking pictures and days when I don't are sort of a "day off." I love photography. But it's part of my job and sometimes it's nice to not have to carry a camera or think about whether I'm blowing out the highlights in a scene

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  2. #2
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Between my job during the week doing product photography, and saturdays shooting youth soccer tournaments, I'm pretty busy with snapping photos. Since I'm working so much, I haven't had time to do any of my other hobbies though. Usually on my "day off" I'm busy editing or cataloging photos that I've taken, and learning new PS techniques.
    Nikon Samurai #21


    Nikon 35mm F1.8, 35 F2, 50mm F1.8, 70-200 F2.8 VR
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  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jorgemonkey
    Usually on my "day off" I'm busy editing or cataloging photos that I've taken, and learning new PS techniques.
    That's what you get for mixing your job and your personal passion - I know all about it

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  4. #4
    drg is offline
    la recherche de trolls drg's Avatar
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    Re: Yup Yup

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    That's what you get for mixing your job and your personal passion - I know all about it
    I'll second that! I'm working on projects from last year

    Some Clients changed delivery schedules so I've spent more of my usual downtime (Holidays and now January) working. Good weather has meant more opportunity for outdoor work, so my 'average' is up a bit.

    Usually though I have to take a day or two a week to work on what I've shot.Some weeks I shoot every day and then take a week to sort, catalog, proof (if needed), comb my hair and make deliveries or meetings.

    I also try to take a day or so off regularly just to clear the buffers.

    Happy New Year.
    CDPrice 'drg'
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  5. #5
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    I'm not shooting as much as I need to now, but it still keeps me busy 7 days a week one way or another.

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    Vivitar 19-35mm f3.5-5.6

  6. #6
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: Yup Yup

    I wish I could say everyday, and lately, with my new E-500, I almost could, but I fall into the 3-5 days a week slot. Like everyone here photography is my personal passion, but unlike some, It makes me very emotional. I get very frustrated and even angry at times. I have literallycried myself to sleep over not being able to get the results I wanted. I am also the worst critic of my own work. It has been said that the best photographers have the biggest trash cans, well I don't really consider myself to be a "good" photographer and still my can is the biggest I know of. I only keep maybe 5-10% of what I shoot. I am very demanding of myself, and I get very passionate when I can not produce what I believe I could. In seven years of photography I have only shot a handful of images that I am happy with, and I still begin to pick at those if I look at them too long.

    So, yeah, we all gotta take a break, or we'd end up killing ourselves...
    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
    ~Ernest Hemingway~

  7. #7
    Senior Member Rivman's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Being retired, with ample free time, I usually try and get some practice in two or three times weekly, or when that special moment is close at hand. My camera follows me almost everywhere, since it fits easily into a jacket/shirt pocket. Gotta be a little more considerate in cold weather conditions, but if it's too cold, you just get out the tripod, pre-focus on the bird feeder (just outside the window), pour a coffee or two, and wait for nature to happen.
    Life is good ! :thumbsup:
    Randy, Gear - 3 in the green, with a T2i and some lenses !

  8. #8
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Photography is a hobby of mine - Designing Computer systems being my day job.

    Hobbies, music, sailing, reading, walking, and photography. Guess what they all work together, well sort of. I take pictutres while listening to music, walking, and sailing, and then I can read about photography which includes responding to critiques here.

    How often do I take pics - on average 3-4 times a week, I carry my camera with me everywhere, or nearly everywhere. So walking home from work may give me photo opportunities. Thank god for compacts. I even take photos of whiteboards after a design session to write up later, but they don't count in the above average.

    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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    Canon 5D; EF100-400 F4.5-5.6L IS USM; EF24-70 F2.8L USM 50mm F1.8 II; EF 100 F2.8 Macro
    Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100

  9. #9
    MJS is offline
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Not enough, that's for sure. I need to start carrying my gear with me everywhere and stop more to shoot.
    Nikon Samurai #8
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  10. #10
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Atleast once a week if not more... it is hard when you are working 40 hours a week and commuting another 15 hours a week. I try to make a point of taking photos of something atleast once a week. In my spare time though I do have enough from over the summer to keep me busy during the evenings editing and such. My camera does travel with me every where though... it is only about a foot away from me now- you never know what you will see.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Charles Hess's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    I now do all the photo work ( brochures, ads, press releases, special events) at my job, so it varies week to week. I am out on the streets every weekend, rain or shine, with at least 1of my cameras. Most every night, I find myself scanning and/or tinkering with my photos. I might be one of the few people who actually enjoys scanning negs and slides! :-) So, to answer your question: I shoot a lot, the Contax or Leica with me every day. Tonight, it's the D200 for a going-away party for our outgoing COO at work.

  12. #12
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Hess
    I now do all the photo work ( brochures, ads, press releases, special events) at my job, so it varies week to week. I am out on the streets every weekend, rain or shine, with at least 1of my cameras. Most every night, I find myself scanning and/or tinkering with my photos. I might be one of the few people who actually enjoys scanning negs and slides! :-) So, to answer your question: I shoot a lot, the Contax or Leica with me every day. Tonight, it's the D200 for a going-away party for our outgoing COO at work.
    OMG! Chuck!

    It's been like forever since I've seen you buddy! How have you been? PM me and let me know what's up!
    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
    ~Ernest Hemingway~

  13. #13
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Wow, 3-5 days a week for the majority. I shoot a couple times a month. Mostly because it's concerts, special events, and my work schedule. On my days off, I try to get out for some exercise, and shoot wildlife. Post work is done after a fun-filled day at wally world fixing everyone else's photos.

    Almo, I'm with you there, I beat myself up constantly. Last week, I decided everything so far has been a waste of time, and to sell all my gear.

  14. #14
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Most days I do end up reaching for the camera for something or another. But if I have a big shoot set up with a band or some other client that's going to take most of the day I will "starve myself" artistically speaking, so that I am revved up for shooting and my eyes feel fresh.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  15. #15
    Member DaveLC2's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    I'm going to have to say I use my camera just about everyday. Lately my work has been having photograph lots of different stuff. Today I took some pictures of some birds and the moon at about 7:30am as it wsa super bright.


  16. #16
    Just me and my camera
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    this is a great thread, Photo-John.:smile5:

    Quote Originally Posted by MJS
    Not enough, that's for sure.
    that's true for me too, MJS.:smile5:

    Actually, as of last year I'd mostly take photographs of special occasions and family, probably a few times a month. But one of my New Years resolutions is to set aside time at least once a week to take pictures; life can be so busy!:smile5:
    "You put your camera around your neck along with putting on your shoes, and there it is, an appendage of the body that shares your life with you."--Dorothea Lange

  17. #17
    Analog Photographer, Digital World Axle's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    3-5 days a week for me. I do the most work on the weekend, usually I'm crawling around some abandoned building.
    Alex Luyckx | Photography
    Capturing Beauty in Everything

  18. #18
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    Lately, I've just been doing snap shots for family get togethers.
    I hope I can get into the 3 or 4 days a week category when the weather gets better.
    I'm too old and feeble to go out in rain and cold.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  19. #19
    Carpe Diem I_Fly's Avatar
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    Re: How Often Do You Take Pictures?

    My only New Year resolution this year was to try and take at least one photo every day this year. So far so good!

    Last year I went in spurts. I'd shoot a lot, then not shooting anything for over a month. I decided this year to try and shoot something, anything, and it's starting to force me out of my comfort zone, which is good.

    I'm looking forward to shooting again!!
    When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. -Leonardo da Vinci

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