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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    How does clearing Google history help protect your privacy and is it worth using a VP

    I'm wondering how to better protect my personal information online. Clearing Google history seems to be one way to reduce data collection about my activities. How effective is it in terms of privacy protection? And should I also use a VPN for more protection? How often should I check and clear my browser history and accounts like Google to minimize data collection?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: How does clearing Google history help protect your privacy and is it worth using

    Clearing your Google history helps to delete records of your searches and websites visited from your Google account, further reducing the likelihood of personal data being collected. The combination of these two practices provides a comprehensive approach to protecting your privacy, as you not only hide your activity from unauthorised parties, but also reduce the amount of data stored about you. I would recommend using a reliable VPN service learn more in this post that has a good reputation and provides a high level of protection. It's also worth regularly checking and clearing your browser history and privacy settings on accounts such as Google.

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