Here's my first decent bird photo...
I shot this wild (ring-neck?) dove today with my 28-135 IS lens!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, at 135mm on my 10D!
This dove has nested in a cypress tree just about 8 ft. from my mom's 2nd floor office window. I first saw it last Wednesday (which was sunny). The filtering morning light was very nice, gently lighting the dove. Well, now its raining, flooding even. So, of course, on the one day that I actually have my camera, its an icky day. The lighting is boring, but the droplets are actually kinda neat. Since the dove has been there for at least 1 week, I am hoping that soon it'll have some babies. I will definately try to go back again, with my 200mm. I'll keep you in touch with what happens.
10D, 28-135 IS against office window, ISO 800 or 1600.