If you happen to be bored...
Its so hard to have an objective eye on your own photos and i've added a lot of images to my online portfolio. They are in groups though, since I have various purposes and styles, so each chapter is aimed at a specific audience. Been working on it for a few months though and i'm ready to poke my eyes out.
Can anyone tell me if there are any photos you hate on here? I won't be insulted, just trying to make it feature some of the best in the categories. Portraits consist of concerts & musicians as well as business and children and pets. Some of my landscapes slipped in there and are being moved, but the stupid computer locked up while I was doing that, so they are still there for now.
I'm down to the photos that my friends and some clients like, but still think maybe it should be weeded down more. Some slower connections it takes too long to load.
This is my main site: http://janehaas.com and this is my mini-embedding site: http://janehaasphotos.com which I can attach in emails and on myspace, etc.
Thank you for any input! I work on other sites all day, but my own end up the hardest! LOL