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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Peterborough, UK


    Hello there,

    I just wanted to introduce myself as a new member of the Photography & Digital Camera Forums.

    I have been taking holiday snaps and photo's at work (I am an archaeologist and so need to take record shots for excavation archives) for a number of years and really just going through the motions. Two years ago I purchased my first digital camera (a Nikon Coolpix 7900), ready for a trip to Hawaii, and that was where it all began.

    The freedom of being able to take different types of photographs, without the fear of wasting money was intoxicating. I found myself filling two 512mb cards with more than just the normal holiday snaps, one of which now hangs framed in the bathroom (an emerging fern). Since then I have played with my Nikon taking different and interesting photographs.

    I have found that I most enjoy taking landscape, nature and wildlife photographs and feel that I would like to pursue these aspects further. However, I know next to nothing about photography outside of point and click cameras.

    As such I thought this seemed like a good place to come and try to expand my knowledge of photography. I hope to get a new digital camera soon to help take more varied and better wildlife photographs (although I can't decide which would be the best option, a digital SLR or a point and click with and 10x + magnification).

    Anyway, that's me. Just wanted to say hi and I hope to see you all around.

    P.S. If anyone can recommend any good books on photography for the beginner or amateur for about £15 or less, it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Member big baldo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Geneva, florida USA

    Re: Hello

    Welcome to the forums!:thumbsup: Everyone here is very helpful. I have learned a ton from the people that visit this site. I spend ALOT of time here just lurking and reading

  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: Hello

    Hi, Excam. I was a lurker for a long time but then once in a while I found out I did know something to share.
    Personally, I like to hear the questions from people new to photography because they often ask questions I never thought to ask and there are many experts here that are glad to share their knowledge.
    Before you buy a camera, do a lot of research and be honest with yourself about what you want to do with photography and how much time and energy you are willing to put into it.
    Archeologist! You must have some very interesting photos to share!
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  4. #4
    Seasoned Amateur WesternGuy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Alberta, Western Canada

    Smile Re: Hello

    Hi Excam and welcome. I have been here about 6 months or so and have always gotten good answers to any questions I have asked and learned things from from answers to questions that others have asked. You asked a couple of questions about choice of camera and books.

    On the choice of camera, I must admit to being biased towards a digital SLR because it offers more options because the major manufacturers provide a very large choice of accessory lenses. As well, there are the third market manufacturers like Sigma and Tamron who make lenses that fit on Canons and Nikons.:thumbsup:

    As for reading material there is an incredible choice - it depends whether you are looking for books that are oriented towards the technology itself like Digital Photography for Dummies (don't laugh its very good and quite comprehensive - covers some technique as well), or are looking for what I call methods books. Anything by Freeman Patterson is good, as is anything by Bryan Peterson and John Shaw. I particularly like Peterson's book Learning to see Creatively. National Geographic also publish a number of Field Guides on different subjects - Birds, Landscapes, etc. I found these quite informative. Hope this helps.

    Suggest you might check some of these out at your local library before you buy.



  5. #5
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Hello

    Welcome, Excarn! Glad to have you aboard!

    I have the same camera as you do, the 7900. It is a nice little camera though I am beginning to feel its limitations as well. It is a tough choice deciding between point & shoots, super-zoom middle sized cameras, and DSLR's. If you're enjoying photography now you will probably be most benefitted by a DSLR or a super zoom. Unless size is an issue. The options available today in cameras make it hard to make a bad choice!

    Have fun looking around the forums. Make sure you check our Reviews for your next purchase and consider reviewing your old camera as well!

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

    Check out the Welcome Thread

    My photography on Myspace

  6. #6
    Member cr_mmurillo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    San Francisco

    Re: Hello

    Welcome Excarn!!!

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Peterborough, UK

    Re: Hello

    Thank you all for the warm welcome and I hope to see you all around the forums

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