The hanging tree.
My story starts about me heading out to the ranch land area,checking out a old folk lore,about
the hanging tree in the picture,all my research brought me to a old ranch hand by the name of
Everet Mcquade,a 95 year old veteran of his trade,wether or not you believe his story is purely
your choice, for me , I believe every word,and saw first hand the evidence.
His story begins from the time he was thirteen,a young ranchhand proving to his older peers,
that he could do the job as well as any other on a horse,moving cattle back from one pasture to
the next,rotating the grass lands, a practice handed down from generations of ranchers in this
area,Everet was a hard working man,the cracks in his hands show proof of that,along with his
gruff appearance,He recalls the times the hanging tree was used in many occasions,In fact the
last time it was used for a hanging,was july of 78,It was the last time he performed the hanging
by his own hands.
rustlers were never a problem,it was a different time back then he recants to me,a time that
called for extreme measures,no-one was told about this practise,until now, evil times he coughs
outloud,It was the cows ! once a week the ranch hands would wake in the morning dew while
out in the fields with all their boots missing,nothing was more embarrassing than riding home
with holes in your socks and your big toe sticking out.vengence was a very high priority,summers
would pass, and every year the ranch hands would lose thier boots,until young Everet caught a
cow in the act of stealing a cow hands boot while he slept,after further investigations they
began to find old leather boots under the cow patties in the fields, you could understand why
this story never got out,after all who would want to eat their evil beef,.
The hanging tree remains a solid reminder of the evil days when cows tried to out-smart the
ranchers, they would throw a rope over the long branch as they would for a horse thief,and kick
out the milk stool from under their front hooves,there they dangled to their last breath,.Everet
Mcquade retired at 65 after his last hanging,he says they got them all,he says his grandchildren
have taken over the ranch and never have mentioned about missing boots,except for the ones
Everet fixes on the side, I asked just how many cows did they hang during those years,37 he
whispered as he solemnly walked away.
I found out later that the last one was his favorite,Buttercup,betrayed by the very one he
delivered at birth in the field on his 55th birthday during a lightning storm. I would like to thank
Everet Mcquade for sharing his story and giving me the permission to photograph this special