My girlfriend bought me a beginning photography class for my Birthday and I just had the class today. I know I've been taking photos for about 2 1/2 years now but most of the knowledge I learned was from here and a handful of sites combined with what seemed right to me. Not that any of the knowledge I've learned from you guys has been bad or anything, just that the class really filled in a lot of gaps I still had and tied it all together I liked it well enough that I signed up and paid for the intermediate class myself which gets into stuff like using aperture & shutter priority modes properly, night photography, white balance, flash, etc.
The beginning class really gave a good foundation of knowledge. More than you might expect from a "beginning class". They covered a huge range of stuff........ (below copied from their website)
Understanding Digital Cameras
Learn Manual Settings & Exposure Control!
Shutter Speeds.-Control Light &
Stopping & Blurring movement
Aperture -Control Light and Depth of Field
ISO settings-Light Sensitivty and
Quality of Image
Lenses & Perspective-
Lens choices, Focal lengths, Aperture Opening
Composition- Rule of Thirds, Perspective,
Leading Lines
I thought it was an awesome class. A lot of info in 5 hours but the presented it in a good format so you didn't feel overwhelmed and had time to process it all. One of their main end goals is to get the "typical newbie" off of automatic modes and into using the full manual mode.