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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    St. Louis

    going through old negs.

    I'll be moving soon, so I've been digging through the folders of slides and negatives I've amassed over the past few years. I've been suprised at a lot of the stuff I have. Sometimes it's good to put it away for a while and come back with fresh eyes since it's hard to judge your own work objectively. Oh, the best part about moving; BIG bathroom with no windows. No more ducking into closets.

    These are our alternative weekly's music festival last year.

    The first one is the lead singer of a local band called The Misses (I couln't make her look bad if I wanted to), the second is a kid in the crowd (good print-lots f cropping though), and the last two are of the band Nadine.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails going through old negs.-misses1.jpg   going through old negs.-mohawkgrl.jpg   going through old negs.-nadine5.jpg  
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL
    Nice shots - all of these. I especially like the pose in the first shot and the different angle in the second.

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