Kodak Hi-Defiinition 400...love it for indoors & natural light, hate it for outdoors. At least that's what my results were with this roll on the Canonet.
First, the only two indoor shots I took...this picture is of M.L. Hawkins, one of our church members. I took him out for lunch today at Su Ranchito for his birthday. He's now 85. We both had Chile Relleρo burritos. :thumbsup:
Now, the outdoor shots...all of them way too grainy for my taste, color was way off, and loss of sharpness. Only one came out decent enough for me to print (the very last one, well, maybe the flag one too), but even that one I had to play with in photoshop to get it to look like you see here.
Is that Venus with the moon?
Venus again?
I get to pick up my Kodak Elite Chrome tomorrow from the lab. Hopefully those will turn out better as I did a lot of outdoor photos with it.