so after weeks of debating, touching and playing with point n shoot digitals with mgpxls higher than 5, I opted for the Olympus Stylus 710. "weather proof" and ease of use, with a decent megapixel size (7.1), and the fact that its so darned small is what drew me to it.
here's the first shot, and a quick story...
so the move to portland while desired, wasnt planned well, and has been hard, but worth it.
i literally came up to "vacation" for a couple weeks, and went home with 2 job offers.
my kids, while they love it here, of course miss their old friends.
my sister bought me this little fridge magnet poetry set thing... and so i play with it.
the "Beautiful Green Oregon I love you to" used to be up there without the "to"
one day i walked past and my oldest changed it to "Ugly Green Oregon I hate you"
I was bummed out, but knew he'd get over the move.
I rearranged the letters again, and to my surprise today, saw that he added the "to"... yes I know, wrong "to", should be "too" but the point is, I think he's finally adjusted.
The snow this week probably had a lot to do with that.
Anyway, enough blabbering.
Happy to have my new toy, cant wait to shoot now!