Here are a few foliage photos I took a couple of weekends ago. The maple leaves are from a trip up to Logan, Utah. They were taken during a mountain bike ride (surprise!). The aspen was actually taken in Salt Lake City, just before we left for Logan. I'm a little disappointed with the maple leaves because they aren't really sharp enough. I never carry a tripod when I ride and shooting those handheld was just a bit much to ask with the low light and the 18-200mm IS - even with image stabilization. I should have tried pushing the ISO another stop. Maybe that would have made the difference. But I think the real problem wasn't camera shake - it was me moving too close to the leaves. Maybe using continuous AF would have kept them sharp. A smaller aperture definitely would have made a difference. But then I would have had to use an even slower shutter speed...
Anyway, they're so pretty I wanted to share them. And I thought also sharing some of my thoughts on why they aren't good enough might be useful to some.
Next time I vow to be more careful!
Next time