Getting in some debates on the Critique forum led me to start thinking a bit today.
What's more important, having a photo that is technically perfect or one that you or others "like". In other words is striking an emotional chord more important than producing a photo that has all of the correct elements?
I myself look at photos emotionally, I look for beauty, color, and a composition that "looks good". I like emotional things, something that is pleasing to the eye. Technical? I guess I really don't care if it's technically correct, followed the rules, or would win a photo contest judged without emotion. I think emotion is as important or more important than following the rules. "I like it" is a perfectly legitimate reason to hold a photograph in high regard, and will also sell more photos than something that is technically perfect without emotion.
Along the same lines as this subject, does a photo with a WOW subject tend to be liked better than one with less of a subject? Is someone who is shooting in the midwest at a disadvantage to someone that lives in the Rockies?(I am qualified, I may live in the Rockies now, but I grew up and learned in the Midwest). I think a fantastic subject will supplant the need for the photo to have even the barest technical elements at times. I mean Old Faithful poorly photographed will probably get more views than a technically perfect photo of a smokestack billowing a white cloud of smoke.
In summary I think a photograph is emotional, technical elements takes a distant back seat. Technical elements in the barest form are always necessary, I mean it should be in in focus, it should have correct WB, etc. But after that rules be D@mned. And when you are able to incorporate most technical elements with a WOW subject, watch out.