I am still resisting working w/digital. Not that I'm against it or think that film is better, I have come to the realization that digital is as good if not better than film. To me digital loses the romance of photography. Taking your time, composing your shot and making sure everything is set, no instant gratification, you have to wait for the prints to come out. When working w/ b&w the art is not just getting the shot but in making the print. Using light not photoshop fix the imperfections. Now with digital how do you know what is the true print and what was manipulated in photoshop, what took patience, perseverence and time to create and what someone wanted to portray in the picture w/the help of a computer. To me it would be like Michelangelo using machines to cut and sculpt the statue and say it was the artists vision he made on the computer instead of the pains taking work of doing it the old fashioned way.