Christmas in the United States is one of the main holidays of the year. The Christmas season begins already on the fourth Thursday of November with the celebration of Thanksgiving and ends on January 6. Eye-catching decorations flood streets and homes with Christmas lights and decorations, towering pine trees, mistletoe, stockings for Santa and gingerbread cookies.
Due to the multiculturalism in the United States, there are many different customs to celebrate Christmas. But the truth is that the vast majority of citizens celebrate it. 9 out of 10 Americans and almost all Christians (96%) celebrate this holiday, according to a study by the Pew Research Center. In addition, according to the same study, a large part of non-believing Americans (81%) join in the celebration.
Before Christmas Eve, one of the most important days for Spaniards is December 22, the day of the Extraordinary National Lottery Draw. Although in Latin America it is not followed in the same way, they also have their own Christmas raffles on different dates, such as in Costa Rica, which is celebrated on December 15, or in Argentina, where each province has its own raffle on different dates.
All kinds of pranks can fall on you on April Fool's Day. If you are in Mexico on December 28, forget about recovering anything you lend under the saying "Innocent popcorn that you let yourself be fooled" in, or if you get caught in Colombia, you will find the peculiar Fiesta de los Matachines that ends with the launch of flour and eggs.
All countries coincide in family and friends dinners for December 24 and 31, although the food will depend on the hemisphere in which you are. In Chile and Argentina, the traditional barbecue is accompanied with cold foods such as salads, fruit and ice cream, and in the case of Chilean tables, the cake or Easter bread and the monkey tail drink, prepared with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla, milk, coffee, sugar and brandy.